Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Forgive me Internets for I have sinned...

...It's been 8 days since my last confession. 

So for lack of much interesting going lately... well, that we can publicly announce on the internetz, I decided to write about myself! What can I say, I'm narcissistic. But so is Blake, so we match. But I've seen "confessions" on several blogs I read and I think they are the bees-knees! I'm 95% sure that the next post I put up will make your toes curl a little bit though. 

Without further adieu, I confess…
I have been jamming to Britney and my pals N'sync lately, a big change from my Cradle of Filth-lovin' self. My favorite gingerhead-man might hang his head in shame, but I loves me some "booty shakin'!"

I confess…
I flicked a drop of cleaning water off my gloves and onto my eyelid when I was cleaning the bathtub the other day and let out a blood-curdling scream into my empty apartment. Afterwards I crouched there, silently ashamed.

I confess…
After a couple months of being on a "ferment EVERYTHING!" kick, when I saw the zucchini rotted at the bottom of my veggie crisper, I felt nauseous. 

I confess…
Kanye is my new man. As are Taio Cruz and Flo Rida. I made a Pandora station and everything. Next thing ya know I'll be ridin' dirty down the parking lot with my windows rolled down, flashing my grillz. Wigga what?!

I confess…
I was alone in the gym the other day with Twilight playing. I still kept an eye and a half on the movie, entranced at the glittery men, but paranoid someone would come in and catch me watching it. It's more interesting if you don't hear dialogue. 

I confess…
A lot of ideas Blake has are bad…. until they're MY ideas. (i.e.: Perhaps Sonic tots and a limeade would accompany our dinner perfectly!) I call it the Wife Syndrome.

I confess…
I eat perhaps 85% of my meals (don't ask how I came up with that percentage because I don't know myself) in front of a screen. I'm sorry I've shamed you, Mummy. I BLAME THE BLAKE!

I confess…
Sometimes I'll get all dressed up and ready for the gym and end up just spending the day dressed in my nasty gym clothes and booby-crushing sports bra. 

I confess…
I crave lobster, a lot. I don't know why! I've never eaten one of the little guys! Or even smelled one cooking. …I think… perhaps it was disguised as hot dogs, Mumsy? o_O

I confess…
If I absolutely must eat an egg, I always fish out the little fetuses in them or I can't enjoy the food. But if I'm making eggs just for Blake, I have no problem letting him munch on the chewy little chicken zygotes. 

I confess…
I taped myself singing to my iPod once. …Ahem… I thought about saving it for when people ask me why I don't sing in church. I've never been so embarrassed for myself, so I had to delete it immediately. 

I confess…
If I get tired of some leftover in the fridge, I'll pack it in Blake's lunch until it's gone. He's got no choice to eat it or he'll go hungry. Muahahaha! Hopefully he doesn't read this post…

I confess…
Sometimes I'll get mad at the Mountain Dew 2 liter the Blake has been nursing for keeping him hyper when I want to sleep and will give it a little shake when Blake is in the other room. Blake can never know I shake his baby. He just wonders how it gets flat so fast.

I confess…
I can't walk barefoot on "pet-carpet." Or eat off "pet-plates." Or lean back on couches that are "pet couches." Serious fur-OCD runs in my familia.

I confess…
When I've got a runny nose during the winter, I'll put a few squares of TP in my coat pockets when I go out and wipe my nose a little at a time. Then when the next winter comes up, I'll find tissues in my coat pockets and will continue using them if I don't have an alternative. I found 4 squares of practically untouched TP in my white hoodie the other day!

I confess…
I am an American Eagle-aholic. And since the jeans are a little on the pricey side, I have to wear them all--even if I have several pairs two sizes too big. I own jeans and a pair of shorts that are so baggy in the waist and butt that approx. 3-4 inches of underwear show when I walk. Even non-fashionista Blake complains that my butt looks bad. But they are American Eagle so I will continue to wear them. Forever. 

I confess…
Blake's visiting teachers came by and one of them asked for a glass of water. Blake let him use one of our red glass cups (previously my favorite kind), and now, approx. 7 months later, I still can't use the red cups because they don't feel clean enough. 

It would be lame to write a post without a picture... so I put one I snapped of Lars- Blake's alter-ego. This was directly taken after he said, "Yezz, we shall goe shoppingz for thee new Bunz of Steel moshun pictuuure, Loverrr."


Reno said...

I love this post.
I was almost speechless with shock from some of your confessions. But then I roared with laughter at some. And felt confusion with others. You just bring out all these emotions in me!
Keep it up.

Reno said...

Wow- new heading! Maybe that's why you popped up on my Reader again. Love that picture of you guys.

D said...

I confess my head is hung in shame. However I did love this post and can relate to a few confessions. I also hold out knowing one day you will mature enough to realize the error of your musical ways.

Ora said...

1- Jay laughed when he caught me vacuuming to Nsync... I told him to shove it... at least I was doing housework! lol

2 - I have OCD tendencies, and still get harrassed for the amount of "rag" laundry I produce in one day - once I use one for something I can't use it again - so you aren't alone in the "strange" OCD dept.

3 - Lars is awesome! I miss you guys lots!
