Monday, April 30, 2012

Another Phone Dump Post...

Here's the latest update on what is happening at the Gubler/Scoot household lately. Seriousness, I don't know what I'd do without my phone. Probably just forget everything that happens or something! Plus I've been a lazy blogger with no wit. 

This is an older picture of us in Texas a couple years ago. I just can't get over how different I think we look. Probably mostly because I wasn't able to regulate Blake's haircut from that far away.

Here's a pic of me and my sis. I look at this and think that I look like the goth with her perfect cheerleader sister.

Some wonder what I do when Blake is at work? This. I can't throw away makeup without using it up so I end up putting it all over my face.

A couple pictures of our fancy cereal dinner. Blake got Cookie Crisp and I got Waffle Crisp. 

You can't believe how happy we were.

We got our tatts for our 2-year wedding anniversary. My mother is seriously green with envy. And I'm waiting for Shirley to come out of the closet with a flaming jaguar tatt climbing up her spine. While getting mine, I squeezed Blake's hand and didn't breathe. Worst pain of my life. At one point Blake indicated that his fingers were numb by patting them. I suddenly burst out in hysterical-hyena laughter because of it. I guess it was either that or scream.

Blake sat there like he was getting his nails done. My delicate man-flower is very stoic in front of people. Later he jumped in my arms and sucked his thumb though.

I made delicious seitan. This is pre-cooking. When it was done soaking up the broth it looked even more like a log of poop. Delicious!!!

We also went to Krispy Kreme and bought a dozen doughnuts.

The next day they were gone.

Tried Schlotsky's Deli. Blake enjoyed a mix of Sprite and Root Beer. He said it was strangely tasty. 

This is Blake's weekend look. His foot-warmer, headphones, talking geek on the phone, with his belly button exposed. What a gorgeous boytoy! It makes me happy to walk past and poke his belly.

Bought some baby wipes for our delicate constitutions and Blake took a Sharpie to the container. He's an amazing artist. A smile for every wipe.

I finally got tired of wiry hairs everywhere. The final straw was the one I found on my plate. So Blake buzzed and then shaved his legs. Now I miss the force fields of hair around his legs. I wish to make a joke about the nut shavings, but will refrain, as our mothers check this blog occasionally.

This is what we do in church. Blake says he looks fat. I say he looks phat. I can't believe he insulted my art.

He drew me like Trish on Napoleon Dynamite. It's good to know how my hubby perceives me. Ahem. Oh, and the talks were really good too...yeah...

We have discovered a new way to keep Blake's haircuts controlled. Now Blake doesn't have to sit on the patio in his skivvies anymore. My sexy white-trash hubbard.

For my birthday we went to the raw food restaurant Matthew Kenney (formerly 105 Degrees) like last year. Delicious! I am already planning on begging another visit from Blake.

The kitchen is behind Blake. No ovens, just knives and blenders. Seriously amazingness.

Blake ordered the dragon roll again, which I had to partake of several times. Jicama rice with ginger, avocado, carrots, and microgreens wrapped in nori rolls. 

I ordered the Mezzo: Eggplant chips with zucchini hummus and olive chips with red pepper hummus and a kale salad. Le sigh. Sooo delicious!

Last night I wanted ice cream and all we have in our freezer is a mocha flavored coconut milk kind. So we made some coconut milk chocolate chip mint (with spinach for color). The bag was fu-reezing! We took turns shaking it-Blake using his work gloves and me using an oven mitt and hot pad.

I was astounded when it actually worked. And was delicious! Blake said he could, "Taste the health" from the spinach. He's full of malarky. 

And finally, here's Betty. 


Robin said...

I've never been called a cheerleader before. I'm seriously insulted.

Reno said...

I never know where to start. I will just say that you haven't lost your wit. I'm glad it hurt. After seeing that picture, I will never eat seitan. Blake's raw dinner looks much better than yours. I want a doughnut. I've always thought that Robin is the cheerleader type. And blog again soon. You're very entertaining.

Anonymous said...

i still say that drawing is a fat version of me =P

saskia said...

okay let me explain, I commented on Rayns' blog, so your mom had a profile, looked at it to see if she had a blog- saw that Robin's little sister had a blog, clicked on it, saw that you called Robin a cheerleader- and um, that made my day- Robin was always the girl all the guys wanted, and I, I scared them all... and I think Robin told me that when I got a tattoo in upward bound (I roomed with Robin for 3 years) that your mom was scared to death she was going to get one. And now look at her, sometimes I wonder who's more hippie, me or her! ha!

Reno said...

I'm still scared to death, Saskia!

The Cutesie-Tootsie Gublers said...

You people are WAK!!!!!! And very entertaining.
