You see this? It was some of the ingredients for breakfast yesterday. Healthy and perfectly chopped right?
And who be cookin' it?? None other than the Blake!! Whoo hoo!!! I wanted crepes that morning and handed him my Betty Crocker cookbook in hopes that he would make them. Instead he found a recipe for omelets and made that! I was soooo pleased! The dude can cook! =D It was my first omelet and it was delicious! Blake had better watch out though- I might want him to cook again!

Yesterday was also our date day and it was fabulous! =D We spent most of our time out widow shopping and managed to spend only 8$ (only because we still had about 40$ in gift cards from our wedding hehe). And after we had sufficiently worn our shoes out we went to 105 Degrees- a raw food restaurant that I've been wanting to try.

This was our pizza. It was very tasty although a little mind-boggling when it came to how I was going to eat it.

These were our aged tree nut cheeses. Delicious! The first cheese was savory, the second sweet, and the third a little spicy. The sweet cheese was our favorite and we ended up leaving a little bit of the spicy cheese on the plate.

And this was our spicy sushi. I have only ever had sushi in a Chinese buffet... and it was nasty. But when I ate this I was delighted and was more than happy to help Blake eat it! =D
After we were done eating however, Blake was still a little hungry (I have no idea how- did you see those ridiculously huge portions? Har har...). So we decided to go get a birthday cake and some snacks from Crest. When it came to choosing my cake I was torn between three cakes. Blake has made it his resolution (evil evil) to not help me make decisions anymore! So I was stuck choosing between delicious cakes!
I ended up choosing white cake with the ridiculously sugary frosting, yum!

We ate our cake and Doritoes on our bed while we watched Gulliver's Travels. Don't ya love how our day kinda centered around food? Even the things we bought were cooking things- a huge frying pan and a tiny strainer! Does that make us foodies even though I am a picky vegetarian?
If your man puts a wash rag on his head and thumps his head repeatedly against the wall and says, "Dobby loves Harry Potter, sir!" (Yes, this happened the other night) You might have an addict on your hands. A Harry-Potter-aholic, if you will. It has been unheard of to see Blake without a book in the Harry Potter series attached to his hands. I also have gone through that level of addiction many times myself. Many. many. many times. Eventually you can resurface to the outside world with carpal tunnel, strained eyes, and the habit of randomly calling men in suits "muggles." I am hoping Blake will reach this step very soon as he's just barely finished the final book in the series. I swear he's gonna start calling me Hermione! I am scared to tell him that it's practically required to read the series again after the first read to pick up on all the details you missed when you were first feverishly thumbing through the books. I managed to take a few pictures of him whilst he was immersed in the wizarding world. He would freeze in those positions for hours and only his hands would move to turn the pages. Ya can't help but love him though!

How did Blake like the raw food place?
And I'm pretty sure you've had omelets before- we just called it eggs with stuff mixed in. And I'm sure it wasn't as tasty as Blake's was.
Blake looks so cute in the kitchen. Something about a guy at the stove just melts my butter. The other pics are quite cute, too. So tell me, how did you end up eating that pizza? Was it like pizza at all? Tell me about the flavors. just curious! ciao!
I love that you ate at a raw food place then had cake and Doritos for dessert!
You guys are so great. And being a read-a-holic is a Hansen gene. My brothers are the Same! Never without a book!
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