We went shopping today to Blake's favorite store: Hot Topic. He got two shirts that he is thrilled to death with. Can I just say, "Rawr!" I have never seen him in this color of blue and I love it! He did manage to sneak a black shirt into the buy pile, but I was so happy with the blue that I let him get away with it. Apparently his shirt has secret meaning, but it's over my head as I'm not a youtube aficionado like the original Scott clan is. Of course I didn't get away empty handed, as I had a 10$ coupon for V.S. and bought some new shorts 'n stuff! I even got the awesomest pink stripey vintage-style umbrella free with my purchase and couldn't be happier! I felt like a pimpette walking around the mall with the umbrella acting as a cane. Hmmm... I guess that would make Blake my ho...
Well, cute model anyway.
But you must go back to the French numbers! You must! S'il vous plait!
I was learning to count in french.. I agree with mumsy... you must change it back :)
Oh and the only thing I know is the Old Spice reference of the shirt.. other than that I am clueless so it must be a joke with the boys only!.. ps.. SUPER jealous of your cane-brella... serious! You must give it a photoshoot so I can see how adorable it is!
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