Today I went to the dumpster to drop off a bag of trash and saw wheels peeking out at me. It was a stroller- perfectly good condition, just cobbwebby! So, since it was light outside (couldn't let anyone see me do it!) I went back to the apartment and called my mummy to see if I should dumpster-dive for it. She gave me the green light (and of course told me to make something to fill it with, haha) so I waited until it was dark and recruited Blake to help me. We had to circle the apartments to wait until there was no one to see us. And then we grabbed the stroller and scooted off as fast as we could. Except for a dead spider and some webs, it's in great condition! A perfect first dumpster-dive! My dad would be proud!
Proud? He'll bust his buttons!
what a hoot! who woulda thought we'd see little Joce dumpster diving!
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