Thursday, April 28, 2011
Today's gonna be a great day!
We are strawberry-fiends here in apt 2307. Blake loves me to cut up strawberries and drown them in sugar and then let them sit overnight for his lunch. I love to sit and just munch on them mindlessly. So this was my breakfast (along with a few saltines cuz I love my bread-like products!) and it was a perfect way to start the day! I am in a good mood and it's laundry day! Whoo hooo!!!!!!!
Chevron (Not the gas station!)
Finally got my swatch in the mail and loved it! And exactly on the day that it came back in stock! So I ordered 14 yards of it! Woot! Literally a day and a half later the site that I ordered the fabric from was out of stock. I am gonna make new curtains for the bedroom and a table runner (thus the pic of the swatch on the table). I am giddy with excitement!
Happy Burfday! =D
We only took pictures of my unwrapped toe on my birthday! I'm a little peeved at our forgetfulness (I am including Blake in the lack of pictures blame). It was a great day full of yakking with my family, presents, Blake, and KFC. It was fabulous! Thanks to everyone for making my !!22nd!! bday great! =D
Case of the Mondays
Monday was my doctors appointment for my freaky toenail. I had to drop Blake off at work at 7:30am so I drove across base and parked in the medical parking lot and slept in the backseat of the car until 10:00 and then went inside the labyrinth of a medical building to sign in for my appointment. I suppose military doctors are much more efficient because I was 15 minutes early for my appointment and I hadn't even finished my paperwork when I heard, "Mrs. Scott?" I stared at the guy for a few seconds before I confirmed that, yes, that was me. After talking to the doc and having him look at my toenail he said we could 1- Do nothing. (Um, yeah, that's what I made an appointment for, so I could do nothing) 2- Take another round of lamisil. 3- Take the little sucker completely off. I opted for the removal to just get it over with. So the PA in training came in and numbed me five times in my teeny-tiny toe and, under my PA's supervision, took my nail off. After it was off I peeked over my knees and saw a flat toe! I couldn't help but say, "It's beautiful!" which I realize now was pretty stupid to say.
I was blissfully numb the rest of the day even after I crammed my big ol' bandaged toe into my chucks and wandered back through the labyrinth.
I have had these frames forever in the outside closet waiting to be scrubbed and painted. I finally broke out the spray paint and the acrylic paint and painted the empty frames. I was planning on distressing the frames a little so the dark stain would show through, but I just love the look of fresh paint too much. Maybe sometime down the line I will. It still needs something on both sides, but since our kitchen is literally just a couple feet bigger than our closet I'm just gonna leave it really simple. =)
Sunday, April 24, 2011
A rather picture-heavy post!
You see this? It was some of the ingredients for breakfast yesterday. Healthy and perfectly chopped right?
And who be cookin' it?? None other than the Blake!! Whoo hoo!!! I wanted crepes that morning and handed him my Betty Crocker cookbook in hopes that he would make them. Instead he found a recipe for omelets and made that! I was soooo pleased! The dude can cook! =D It was my first omelet and it was delicious! Blake had better watch out though- I might want him to cook again!
Yesterday was also our date day and it was fabulous! =D We spent most of our time out widow shopping and managed to spend only 8$ (only because we still had about 40$ in gift cards from our wedding hehe). And after we had sufficiently worn our shoes out we went to 105 Degrees- a raw food restaurant that I've been wanting to try.
This was our pizza. It was very tasty although a little mind-boggling when it came to how I was going to eat it.
These were our aged tree nut cheeses. Delicious! The first cheese was savory, the second sweet, and the third a little spicy. The sweet cheese was our favorite and we ended up leaving a little bit of the spicy cheese on the plate.
And this was our spicy sushi. I have only ever had sushi in a Chinese buffet... and it was nasty. But when I ate this I was delighted and was more than happy to help Blake eat it! =D
After we were done eating however, Blake was still a little hungry (I have no idea how- did you see those ridiculously huge portions? Har har...). So we decided to go get a birthday cake and some snacks from Crest. When it came to choosing my cake I was torn between three cakes. Blake has made it his resolution (evil evil) to not help me make decisions anymore! So I was stuck choosing between delicious cakes!
I ended up choosing white cake with the ridiculously sugary frosting, yum!
We ate our cake and Doritoes on our bed while we watched Gulliver's Travels. Don't ya love how our day kinda centered around food? Even the things we bought were cooking things- a huge frying pan and a tiny strainer! Does that make us foodies even though I am a picky vegetarian?
If your man puts a wash rag on his head and thumps his head repeatedly against the wall and says, "Dobby loves Harry Potter, sir!" (Yes, this happened the other night) You might have an addict on your hands. A Harry-Potter-aholic, if you will. It has been unheard of to see Blake without a book in the Harry Potter series attached to his hands. I also have gone through that level of addiction many times myself. Many. many. many times. Eventually you can resurface to the outside world with carpal tunnel, strained eyes, and the habit of randomly calling men in suits "muggles." I am hoping Blake will reach this step very soon as he's just barely finished the final book in the series. I swear he's gonna start calling me Hermione! I am scared to tell him that it's practically required to read the series again after the first read to pick up on all the details you missed when you were first feverishly thumbing through the books. I managed to take a few pictures of him whilst he was immersed in the wizarding world. He would freeze in those positions for hours and only his hands would move to turn the pages. Ya can't help but love him though!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Oh Sweetums!
Me and the Blake have had serious sweet tooths this last week. Well, we always have sweet teeth, but this week has been worse! So when I found something that combined some of our favorite things, !cookies AND cake AND sprinkles!, I knew it was for us. Enter the Cakie. Crazy delicious cookies made from a cake mix. Needless to say, they were gone the day after I made them. The fact that Easter and my 22nd are this week has just been an excuse to go even more nuts with the sugar. How Blake can eat three large pieces of white cake coated with frosting (the kind you buy at the store) and countless Doritoes within two hours time is beyond me, but he has!
Friday, April 22, 2011
I am my father's daughter!!
Today I went to the dumpster to drop off a bag of trash and saw wheels peeking out at me. It was a stroller- perfectly good condition, just cobbwebby! So, since it was light outside (couldn't let anyone see me do it!) I went back to the apartment and called my mummy to see if I should dumpster-dive for it. She gave me the green light (and of course told me to make something to fill it with, haha) so I waited until it was dark and recruited Blake to help me. We had to circle the apartments to wait until there was no one to see us. And then we grabbed the stroller and scooted off as fast as we could. Except for a dead spider and some webs, it's in great condition! A perfect first dumpster-dive! My dad would be proud!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
This is Blake's contribution to this blog. Isn't he just sweet? Here I was, making his lunch, and he started shoving the camera in my face and taking pictures of my pajamas and greasy hair. Did I add a little something extra to his PB&J sandwich after that incident? The world may never know...
PS- don't ya love how all the cabinet doors magically open? I swear they have minds of their own!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
When I told Blake that I had posted three blogs to catch up he asked, "And how many of them were about me?" Hehe, this time only 1 of 3 were about him. What can I say? I married a very entertaining guy. And his smile!! Whew!! That wonderful grin actually has a name: Scottsmile! One of his Air Force buddies named it in tech school. Perfect.
I tried to coax him home early once by having him tell his supervisor that I was in labor. And then the next day when he would be asked about it, he would just say, "Oh, yeah, she didn't go into labor. Turns out she wasn't even pregnant!" Alas, he didn't go through with this masterful plan. But when he got home he laughed about it with me and told me about how he told his friend my idea and enunciated it exactly as I would have! Our brains are on the same wavelengths! It's kinda scary and fabulous at the same time! I seriously married my perfect man! Even if he rolls his eyes about how many times I post about him and his antics.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
For brunchfast today I made taco salad. Yum! I made me and the Blake each a nice big plate of it and we dove in. By the time we were at the end of the meal both of us were groaning in our engorged state of belly. I put the rest of my plate in the fridge before it occurred to me that microwaved lettuce would probably taste pretty gross, but cold bean and rice mixture would taste equally gross. What's a girl to do? Perhaps I will just have to compromise and eat it lukewarm.
Shame, shame, shame.
This was the other morning when Blake did the unthinkable and mixed two different types of cereal! I remember my mom mixing these types of cereal when I was little to get me (although she'd never do this to spoiled Braydon) to eat the healthier ones in addition to the delicious ones. Anyways, he mixed the worst combination: Kix and Frosted Flakes. The chemistry is all off and the sogginess factor is completely opposite. Gag! I swear, the man I originally married might have hocked loogies in the shower and licked the bottom of my nose to get spit in my nostrils and pooted during dessert, but he never, NEVER mixed cereals! Who is this man???!!!
Babies, babies, babies!
Just as I was starting to believe my plants were going to peter out and die Blake spotted the baby strawberries!! They are growing up! There are two currently growing on my one live strawberry plant. Perfect! One for me and one for... ME! =D I hope my new children will grow up soon so I can eat them. That should be the title to a song. Ah, happiness.
A depressing story to brighten your day!
Today I decided to walk into town for some sprinkles and spraypaint. As soon as I was out of the gated community I thought, "Hey, I need to pee." and "Hey, this wind keeps lifting up my skirt." and "Is it chilly or is it hot... I'm not really sure." Did I turn around? Nope. I walked down Air Depot (a busy street) holding my bladder and my skirt so I could get my vital sprinkles and spraypaint. The party store didn't have sprinkles. Ace didn't have the right spraypaint. I went home. The end.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I finally made Blake a camera strap last week. We wandered around the fabric store for quite some time looking for some manly fabric. It's amazing how little guy-friendly fabric there is out there! Of course I enjoyed wandering around the store looking at the fabric. Blake on the other hand was going a little stir-crazy. But then we went next door to Jason's Deli and Blake forgot about his misery in the fabric store. =D Sneaky!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Eventually I'll figure out the proper titling system
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Trente-Deux! Reader Beware...
So we (as in Blake because I don't like talking to military receptionists) finally broke down and made a doctors appointment for my beautiful toe. He thinks something's up with it or something. So this is what I've been looking at all day today. It's like watching a train wreck or something... I will be glad when I can paint ten toes again!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
This might be a long ramble... Beware!
Blake got after me for not posting a blog in like, forever. Apparently he likes to read about what he's up to! Find out all the juicy deets, I guess. The only thing is, nothing much has happened. We are both homebodies who like our routines. On our exciting day, Saturday, we sleep in and go window shopping (usually buying something that we just realized we can't live without... like a giant chopping board), go out to eat, come home and watch a movie, and perhaps go on a walk. Sometimes the walk is just to the mail haha. This last Saturday though we were feeling wild and crazy so we took couple pictures with the timer. Loved it!
Those were some of our more graceful photos that still haven't gone through the Photoshop wringer. Perhaps there is a way to Photoshop out some very, very bad roots! I never realize how bad they are until I see them in a picture. It's very difficult going au natural... or however it is spelled.
After couple pictures we went to the mall and wandered around until our movie started. It was Your Highness. The first movie we've been to see in like 6 months and it was a bit of a flop. Well, Dvd worthy perhaps. And then we went to eat at iHop. Delicious! I got the stuffed french toast and Blake chose the one dish with every kind of meat they offer- the sampler. =D I guess he feels like he's gotta fulfill his meat-quota or something. I let him because we're gonna go to a fancy raw food restaurant called 101 Degrees for my birthday. Tee hee! It'll be nice to actually have a menu that I can order ANYTHING off of! Woot! That hasn't happened since... well, not in any of my memory. I don't mind that Blake's not a veggo (although it would be very nice) I just don't want him to end up looking like Moby or something... ;)
My little garden is growing nicely. I learned that my tomatoes need DIRECT sunlight or else they won't bear fruit. Oy! So on random days I've been hefting all of the pots down the stairs, one at a time to put them in the sun for the day and then hefting them back up to sleep safetly on the patio. After all this work I'm gonna make Blake love a fresh tomato or else! =D It's worth it though- I can see little baby strawberries growing on my strawberry plants.
Blake's schedule has changed, so we have had to adjust our routine. He gets home late at night so I have the evenings alone. It's kinda nice though because I can go for evening runs again... or watch the CW's primetime shows without ridicule (Yes, I love my Gossip Girl and Vampire Diaries, thank you). I still get a little lost running through the neighborhoods but it's kinda fun seeing the new places. Some of the houses look no bigger than a shipping container, while others seem to be as big as our whole apartment building! I'm growing to really like the area here. It's no LaVerkin, but the beautiful days and all the greenery and nice people (Oekies) are growing on me!! We are even contemplating staying in church through, dunn dunn dunn, Sunday school (*gasp*) so we can meet people. But we haven't been able to make it through that notoriously boring part of church. One day perhaps. Until then we just sit at the back of the room and spy on people until Sacrament is over and then slip home for a big lunch. =D
Perhaps I need some gentleness in my life because, well, I feel a little mean. Let me explain: Blake can sometimes be a gassy fellow (as can we all), but he seems to air himself out at the worst times (at the table, under the covers, etc). So I got fed up with it and challenged him to a week of not pooting in front of me. He was doing so well until, one evening watching House, one snuck out. Oh snap. I shut the laptop and told him to lace up his running shoes (he didn't know what punishment I had in store for him). I then told him to run around the apartment complexes 5 times and get everything out of his system. Each lap around is 1/2 mile. I sat like Jabba the Hut on our little patio and counted the times as he ran past me. I had my mug of chocolate almond milk and thoroughly enjoyed watching him sweat while I poured future fat molecules into my body. That was the only time in that whole week that he let one slip out. It was such a nice week, but, alas, it came to an end way too soon. Hopefully I can convince him that it's a good idea to do that challenge again.
As if our audience needs another reason to think that I'm evil to my hubby (I swear I'm nice to your baby, Shirley! I'm just avenging you of the time he put a rubber band on the sink sprayer! =D), here's another day in our life... For April Fools day I felt mischevious while Blake was at work, so I boobie-trapped our apartment. Muahaha. I put Vaseline on the door handles he would be using, his phone charger, on his shampoo bottle, and the lock on the patio. I made salt-koolaid. I sewed a stack of his underwear together. I froze his toothbrush. And I made a bottle of nail polish look like it was spilled. The poor guy ran into every one of my cleverly-orchestrated traps! He even had to swallow the salt koolaid as he was using it to take a vitamin with! Oops! I felt a little guilty because he was so tired, but I just couldn't stop what I had put in motion! The final prank was his toothbrush frozen into a block of ice. As Blake was going for his toothbrush he said, "At least I know my toothbrush is safe because you'd never mess with me brushing my teeth." Tee hee, I guess he was wrong. I made him some mac n cheese and brownies to make him feel better after all the pranks though. See? I'm a good wifey too!
Well it is 11:08pm and Blake should be home in about 45 minutes. Although it could be 2 1/2 more hours til I see my hubby if any of this recentness is an indication. Until then I will watch some more of my new obsession, 30 Rock. PS- I'm developing a, perhaps inappropriate, crush on Alec Baldwin. Please help.
Those were some of our more graceful photos that still haven't gone through the Photoshop wringer. Perhaps there is a way to Photoshop out some very, very bad roots! I never realize how bad they are until I see them in a picture. It's very difficult going au natural... or however it is spelled.
After couple pictures we went to the mall and wandered around until our movie started. It was Your Highness. The first movie we've been to see in like 6 months and it was a bit of a flop. Well, Dvd worthy perhaps. And then we went to eat at iHop. Delicious! I got the stuffed french toast and Blake chose the one dish with every kind of meat they offer- the sampler. =D I guess he feels like he's gotta fulfill his meat-quota or something. I let him because we're gonna go to a fancy raw food restaurant called 101 Degrees for my birthday. Tee hee! It'll be nice to actually have a menu that I can order ANYTHING off of! Woot! That hasn't happened since... well, not in any of my memory. I don't mind that Blake's not a veggo (although it would be very nice) I just don't want him to end up looking like Moby or something... ;)
My little garden is growing nicely. I learned that my tomatoes need DIRECT sunlight or else they won't bear fruit. Oy! So on random days I've been hefting all of the pots down the stairs, one at a time to put them in the sun for the day and then hefting them back up to sleep safetly on the patio. After all this work I'm gonna make Blake love a fresh tomato or else! =D It's worth it though- I can see little baby strawberries growing on my strawberry plants.
Blake's schedule has changed, so we have had to adjust our routine. He gets home late at night so I have the evenings alone. It's kinda nice though because I can go for evening runs again... or watch the CW's primetime shows without ridicule (Yes, I love my Gossip Girl and Vampire Diaries, thank you). I still get a little lost running through the neighborhoods but it's kinda fun seeing the new places. Some of the houses look no bigger than a shipping container, while others seem to be as big as our whole apartment building! I'm growing to really like the area here. It's no LaVerkin, but the beautiful days and all the greenery and nice people (Oekies) are growing on me!! We are even contemplating staying in church through, dunn dunn dunn, Sunday school (*gasp*) so we can meet people. But we haven't been able to make it through that notoriously boring part of church. One day perhaps. Until then we just sit at the back of the room and spy on people until Sacrament is over and then slip home for a big lunch. =D
Perhaps I need some gentleness in my life because, well, I feel a little mean. Let me explain: Blake can sometimes be a gassy fellow (as can we all), but he seems to air himself out at the worst times (at the table, under the covers, etc). So I got fed up with it and challenged him to a week of not pooting in front of me. He was doing so well until, one evening watching House, one snuck out. Oh snap. I shut the laptop and told him to lace up his running shoes (he didn't know what punishment I had in store for him). I then told him to run around the apartment complexes 5 times and get everything out of his system. Each lap around is 1/2 mile. I sat like Jabba the Hut on our little patio and counted the times as he ran past me. I had my mug of chocolate almond milk and thoroughly enjoyed watching him sweat while I poured future fat molecules into my body. That was the only time in that whole week that he let one slip out. It was such a nice week, but, alas, it came to an end way too soon. Hopefully I can convince him that it's a good idea to do that challenge again.
As if our audience needs another reason to think that I'm evil to my hubby (I swear I'm nice to your baby, Shirley! I'm just avenging you of the time he put a rubber band on the sink sprayer! =D), here's another day in our life... For April Fools day I felt mischevious while Blake was at work, so I boobie-trapped our apartment. Muahaha. I put Vaseline on the door handles he would be using, his phone charger, on his shampoo bottle, and the lock on the patio. I made salt-koolaid. I sewed a stack of his underwear together. I froze his toothbrush. And I made a bottle of nail polish look like it was spilled. The poor guy ran into every one of my cleverly-orchestrated traps! He even had to swallow the salt koolaid as he was using it to take a vitamin with! Oops! I felt a little guilty because he was so tired, but I just couldn't stop what I had put in motion! The final prank was his toothbrush frozen into a block of ice. As Blake was going for his toothbrush he said, "At least I know my toothbrush is safe because you'd never mess with me brushing my teeth." Tee hee, I guess he was wrong. I made him some mac n cheese and brownies to make him feel better after all the pranks though. See? I'm a good wifey too!
Well it is 11:08pm and Blake should be home in about 45 minutes. Although it could be 2 1/2 more hours til I see my hubby if any of this recentness is an indication. Until then I will watch some more of my new obsession, 30 Rock. PS- I'm developing a, perhaps inappropriate, crush on Alec Baldwin. Please help.
Today I went on a long walk to Goodwill. I spent 3.50 and dragged this stuff home. I am so pleased! And the craziest thing happened while I was standing in line for check-out- I saw a lady buy the One Tree Hill seasons dvds I donated last week! Crazyness! I was so happy that they were going to a good home (she didn't look nuts) and not to some bag-lady.
Anyways, I am gonna paint the pitcher Sunshine Yellow and have it as an accent vase. The baby-birdcage will be painted white and I might dapple touches of pink on the flowers. Super excited! I'm glad Blake lets me decorate (almost) how I want!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Yes this is another pic from our couples pics yesterday. We both took turn taking pictures of each other, realizing that both of us are camera-hams at heart.
On another note I just discovered 30 Rock and am totally addicted. Poor Blake will get some attention eventually. Until then he has Harry Potter. =D
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Friday, April 08, 2011
Two in one day so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow! Sneaky! But isn't this the saddest thing you have ever seen??? My poor daisy-flower! Yesterday she was doing grand and then overnight just went downhill! I'm so sad! I set her in the sun today but that hasn't perked her up. Perhaps Blake has gotten jealous of me spending so much time with her and has exacted his revenge. Or perhaps, just like me, this humidity makes her hair (leaves) frizz too!
I made potato salad today! Yummy! When we were at the store yesterday I kept asking Blake if he liked potato salad, to gauge how much I should make. He kept answering my question with, "I like macaroni salad." Ok, wasn't the answer I was looking for. I ended up making a whole pot and have eaten some for every meal. I sure hope Blake eats some of it or else I will consume the entire thing by myself!!
Poe-tate-oh! =D
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Monday, April 04, 2011
Vingt-cinq! (Say that 10 times fast!)
Oopsy! Rental carpet! And that was my favorite April Fools prank... unfortunately I had already gotten Blake with Vaseline on handles and salt Koolaid so he was aware that things were set up for him to be pranked. I think it got him for a second, but then he knew it was a prank. Drats! Coulda got my mom with it perhaps? *Devil horns*
**Funny fact: I'm 90% sure the nail polish I used was actually Blake's!!!! I don't specifically remember why, but we bought it in conjunction with some black nail polish a few years ago. I think he used it once and gave it to me. Or I used it on him. I don't remember specifics. Bwahahaha!
Sunday, April 03, 2011
That face has soo much mischief behind it! I love it! Last night we went out to eat and I drank some Coke. Usually I hate the taste, but I was needing some fizzyness. Unfortunately for Blake (although he knew I'd be sipping from his drink) the caffeine and the 80 degree heat kept me hyper and awake for quite a while after turning out the light. I don't think Blake will ever feed me caffeine again so close to bedtime as I pestered him beyond belief muahaha! He's been a bit of a zombie today because of it but I have no sympathy. He's just another not-so-innocent victim in my rampage of hyper!
Saturday, April 02, 2011
April Second!! =D
We went shopping today to Blake's favorite store: Hot Topic. He got two shirts that he is thrilled to death with. Can I just say, "Rawr!" I have never seen him in this color of blue and I love it! He did manage to sneak a black shirt into the buy pile, but I was so happy with the blue that I let him get away with it. Apparently his shirt has secret meaning, but it's over my head as I'm not a youtube aficionado like the original Scott clan is. Of course I didn't get away empty handed, as I had a 10$ coupon for V.S. and bought some new shorts 'n stuff! I even got the awesomest pink stripey vintage-style umbrella free with my purchase and couldn't be happier! I felt like a pimpette walking around the mall with the umbrella acting as a cane. Hmmm... I guess that would make Blake my ho...
Friday, April 01, 2011
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