Blake got after me for not posting a blog in like, forever. Apparently he likes to read about what he's up to! Find out all the juicy deets, I guess. The only thing is, nothing much has happened. We are both homebodies who like our routines. On our exciting day, Saturday, we sleep in and go window shopping (usually buying something that we just realized we can't live without... like a giant chopping board), go out to eat, come home and watch a movie, and perhaps go on a walk. Sometimes the walk is just to the mail haha. This last Saturday though we were feeling wild and crazy so we took couple pictures with the timer. Loved it!

Those were some of our more graceful photos that still haven't gone through the Photoshop wringer. Perhaps there is a way to Photoshop out some very, very bad roots! I never realize how bad they are until I see them in a picture. It's very difficult going au natural... or however it is spelled.

After couple pictures we went to the mall and wandered around until our movie started. It was Your Highness. The first movie we've been to see in like 6 months and it was a bit of a flop. Well, Dvd worthy perhaps. And then we went to eat at iHop. Delicious! I got the stuffed french toast and Blake chose the one dish with every kind of meat they offer- the sampler. =D I guess he feels like he's gotta fulfill his meat-quota or something. I let him because we're gonna go to a fancy raw food restaurant called 101 Degrees for my birthday. Tee hee! It'll be nice to actually have a menu that I can order ANYTHING off of! Woot! That hasn't happened since... well, not in any of my memory. I don't mind that Blake's not a veggo (although it would be very nice) I just don't want him to end up looking like Moby or something... ;)
My little garden is growing nicely. I learned that my tomatoes need DIRECT sunlight or else they won't bear fruit. Oy! So on random days I've been hefting all of the pots down the stairs, one at a time to put them in the sun for the day and then hefting them back up to sleep safetly on the patio. After all this work I'm gonna make Blake love a fresh tomato or else! =D It's worth it though- I can see little baby strawberries growing on my strawberry plants.
Blake's schedule has changed, so we have had to adjust our routine. He gets home late at night so I have the evenings alone. It's kinda nice though because I can go for evening runs again... or watch the CW's primetime shows without ridicule (Yes, I love my Gossip Girl and Vampire Diaries, thank you). I still get a little lost running through the neighborhoods but it's kinda fun seeing the new places. Some of the houses look no bigger than a shipping container, while others seem to be as big as our whole apartment building! I'm growing to really like the area here. It's no LaVerkin, but the beautiful days and all the greenery and nice people (Oekies) are growing on me!! We are even contemplating staying in church through, dunn dunn dunn, Sunday school (*gasp*) so we can meet people. But we haven't been able to make it through that notoriously boring part of church. One day perhaps. Until then we just sit at the back of the room and spy on people until Sacrament is over and then slip home for a big lunch. =D
Perhaps I need some gentleness in my life because, well, I feel a little mean. Let me explain: Blake can sometimes be a gassy fellow (as can we all), but he seems to air himself out at the worst times (at the table, under the covers, etc). So I got fed up with it and challenged him to a week of not pooting in front of me. He was doing so well until, one evening watching House, one snuck out. Oh snap. I shut the laptop and told him to lace up his running shoes (he didn't know what punishment I had in store for him). I then told him to run around the apartment complexes 5 times and get everything out of his system. Each lap around is 1/2 mile. I sat like Jabba the Hut on our little patio and counted the times as he ran past me. I had my mug of chocolate almond milk and thoroughly enjoyed watching him sweat while I poured future fat molecules into my body. That was the only time in that whole week that he let one slip out. It was such a nice week, but, alas, it came to an end way too soon. Hopefully I can convince him that it's a good idea to do that challenge again.
As if our audience needs another reason to think that I'm evil to my hubby (I swear I'm nice to your baby, Shirley! I'm just avenging you of the time he put a rubber band on the sink sprayer! =D), here's another day in our life... For April Fools day I felt mischevious while Blake was at work, so I boobie-trapped our apartment. Muahaha. I put Vaseline on the door handles he would be using, his phone charger, on his shampoo bottle, and the lock on the patio. I made salt-koolaid. I sewed a stack of his underwear together. I froze his toothbrush. And I made a bottle of nail polish look like it was spilled. The poor guy ran into every one of my cleverly-orchestrated traps! He even had to swallow the salt koolaid as he was using it to take a vitamin with! Oops! I felt a little guilty because he was so tired, but I just couldn't stop what I had put in motion! The final prank was his toothbrush frozen into a block of ice. As Blake was going for his toothbrush he said, "At least I know my toothbrush is safe because you'd never mess with me brushing my teeth." Tee hee, I guess he was wrong. I made him some mac n cheese and brownies to make him feel better after all the pranks though. See? I'm a good wifey too!
Well it is 11:08pm and Blake should be home in about 45 minutes. Although it could be 2 1/2 more hours til I see my hubby if any of this recentness is an indication. Until then I will watch some more of my new obsession, 30 Rock. PS- I'm developing a, perhaps inappropriate, crush on Alec Baldwin. Please help.