Thursday, February 24, 2011

I can't think of a title, so this is it! =D

I had to start out this post with a picture of my hubby. Just cuz he's so cute! =D

This was taken when we were in Mississippi I think. I believe that this picture will go down in history. =D

I just finished a project! I know, projects are toootttallly not my thing, haha! But this morning, after a hearty breakfast of a little debbie cupcake and lots of hot fries, I went about painting this!

Somehow the stencil I made didn't match up very well on the bottom! I was painting along, thinking about how much I liked the paint strokes and the small imperfections and then my last stencil turned out crazy-wonky. One day I'll sit down and fix it perhaps. Ugh. It'll probably be tomorrow otherwise it will drive me nuts!

I will hang it above the futon when it is dry. *Sigh* I am adoring decorating. =D

We have been taking a pottery class the last couple weeks. We have two weeks more to go and we are loving it! I am still astounded that we spent 6 hours there Saturday! I love it because it brings out Blake's crafty side. I love to see what he does because he's pretty good at drawing! In high school he would write me notes and they would always have little creative stick-figure doodles all over them that would always make me laugh.

After pottery Saturday we went to Chilis and I overate. On a salad. Oy. A salad. Then we went to this boutique in bricktown called "On a Whim." So cute! Here is the disclaimer: BLAKE is sometimes responsible for impulse purchases!!! NOT JUST ME!! Although he always blames me afterwards.
We bought a colander because it matches our kitchen. BLAKE'S idea haha! I gladly went along with it though! =D

And the cutest measuring sets. They have the numbers ...carved...embossed...raised? into them so they won't smear off in the dishwater like our old, cheap ones have done. Perhaps my cooking will improve now that I can figure out the difference between 1/2 cup and 1/3 cup and 1 tsp and 1/4 tsp haha.

Then we went around town and got some sewing gear. The scissors are amaz-za-zing!! Ugly creature, yes, but they cut like a dream! The best part? I got stuff for my in-laws CHRISTMAS presents!! I am practically crying with relief because I have about half of Christmas already figured out!! And it's only the end of February!!

And then we found a little antique store. It was so fun to wander around and look at the booths. I was enjoying it until one of the little dogs waddled over to me and sneezed on my bare leg and then walked away. I guess I know how Ginger felt about me wandering around her territory. :/ We found the cutest little gravy boat thingie and some teacups in two separate booths. They are slightly different colors from each other, but look like they were meant to be together.

Then it was off to Jason's Deli for dinner. =D Heck yes! I may have found my new favorite place to eat!
I got a "Vegalatta" with mushrooms and different kinds of olives in it. I am drooling just thinking of it (cupcakes and hot fries fly right through me I guess!) I got a "half-muff" because that is the size. Ahem. After we were driving home, I smelled the delicious sandwich on my fingers and had Blake smell them. He said, "They smell like muff." Oy!!

We liked Jason's Deli so much that the next day I wanted to go again. It didn't take much convincing Blake to go, so we turned on our gps and saw there was a location 6 miles from home. So we went off to a part of Oklahoma that was, well, seedy. Our gps, Moses, led us astray. Apparently Jason's Deli is located in a subdivison full of druggie-looking houses. When we got there, we saw a bunch of cops and cameras. We guessed some crime had just been committed there, so we zoomed off. After an hour of driving, we ended up back at the location we had eaten at the day before haha.

So that's been our week so far. Blake will be home pretty soon, so I must depart! But I will leave you with a grand picture. Of my feet. Heck yeah!


Ora said...

wow... exciting on your shopping extravaganza! LOVE all the purchases! You are going to die when you get your birthday package! I pegged you perfectly I think :)

Those measuring cups are AWESOME! I want some stainless ones with a crisp edge... no idea why - Just always wanted a set like that... when I'm rich I guess lol

Reno said...

Very cute purchases. And dahling project! Ending with adorable feet. What a great post.
Oh, by the way- it's now time to quit purchasing things as your birthday is just around the corner.
Signed: Your Mother

Beth Williams said...

SUCH cute projects!!! I look forward to the day when I have time to craft again... it is so fulfilling♥ you guys did good!

The Cutesie-Tootsie Gublers said...

your feet? seriously? and i was eating a most delicious pizza.
