Oops, forgot to photoshop our pink kleenex white haha. It puts a new meaning to "put a cork in it!" Arrrriba!
So this is a story about a futon. Brown, velvet, and uncomfortable. It was Blake's bed when he was living with his parents and it's very boy-ish. But his parentals kindly let us have it when we moved so we could have a couch. It's just been staring me in the face, begging for a makeover for a while now. It usually has four throw pillows along the back of it and those pillows always get squished into the space in the back. So we went to Lowes and bought a dropcloth and we brought it home and it sat in bleach for many hours as I washed and rewashed it. Then the dropcloth sat in our bedroom for a few days as I was too chicken to start cutting. When I finally started working on it, Bernini did such a good job sewing through six layers of dropcloth on those corners!

This is mid-cover. It took days for me to finish. No one was allowed to sit on the futon because there was pins all in it.

I was so glad to finish! I made a bolster pillow to stuff in the crack so the pillows won't get squished anymore. I filled it with whatever I could find- scraps from the slipcover, plastic bags, and bits of material that I have been needing to throw out.

So this is our new living room. =D Amazing what changing couple things (and fixing my little artwork) can do for it.
Yesterday we were at TJ Maxx wandering around and window shopping (ok, shopping). Blake has had a cold sore on the right corner of his mouth and in the 4 1/2 years of being together, whenever Blake has a cold sore, I have trained myself to kiss the other side of his mouth. But yesterday I got lost in his eyes and kissed the right side of his mouth. Eeek! He had picked it and I literally felt my lips stick to the scabby sore!! I freaked out in a group of strangers and began frantically rubbing my lips. An idea came into my head and I found a little bottle of hand sanitizer in my purse and rubbed that all over my lips. Needless to say we left shortly after the incident. I forgave him though after he kissed away the grossness with the left corner of his mouth. :)
HAHAHAHA!!! So funny and totally gross!!
Everything looks so cute! Way to go!!
HAHAHAHA! That's so gross and so funny! I love your couch. Looks great.
Ewww, ewww, and ewww. And hahahaha!
Your home is really becoming Jocelyn-ized. It looks great!
It looks awesome!!! I love your color scheme. that teal is SOOO pretty(:
Adam says he is very disgusted with you. I thought it was totally hilarious, along with the kleenex stuffed up the nose...poor guy. Ask your mom which brother of hers stuffed an...um...lady's item up his nostrils to stop his nosebleeds one time...hee-hee oh, and p.s. absolutely love what you did. A. says his sis is sooo talented!!
I wish I could do what you do... it takes someone with an art's eye... and I can totally relate to the agravting sniff, sniff (for me it is the chewing noises too. I LOVE the 'nose hankie'.
I can totally relate to the sniff, sniff driving you nuts... I have the chewing and smacking noises that do it for me.... I wish I had your art's eye... real talent in making your place a home.
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