I am thankful for my family. It's a typical "am thankful for" thing, but I love my family. My parents are such good parents, not too tough but not too easy on me. They were always there to talk to if I needed anything. They're goofy and crazy sometimes too and just enjoyable to be with.

I am thankful for my siblings. They are all so funny and fun to talk to. And they chose the people that they married well-they are like my blood siblings. =D

And yesterday, I was in a good mood, making dinner, when I got a phone call. It was Adam! We didn't get to talk very long 'cuz Blake came home and was indignant that I was talking to another good-lookin' guy. But talking to my bro totally made my day! It was just such a nice surprise to hear from him!

I'm thankful for my in-laws. They are so sweet to me and totally crazy (in a good way). They are such nice people and did a good job raising my hubby. They are such a close-knit family and love talking with each other.

I am thankful for the sunny days and beautiful weather we've been having lately. It's so nice to go outside and enjoy the wind blowing around my legs. I enjoy getting a cold glass of chocolate almond milk in the evening and leaning against the balcony railing and sipping it. It's so peaceful I could stand there for hours looking at the lights.
And lastly, I am thankful that I married my best friend. And every day he makes me happy just being himself and our marriage comes easy. I am thankful that he lets me be a housewife and take care of him. And I'm thankful that he eats all the food that I make. Except gaspacho... but then again, I won't ever eat that again either!

I am blissfully happy right now. I love our cute little apartment that is clean-even the pesky kitchen, my new dress, the dinners that I have planned for this week (=D), my friends, the good book I'm reading, the new episodes of Psych that make me crack up at every episode, and the Nook. The Nook is when we're laying down and Blake lifts up his arm and lets me cuddle up next to him and then he puts his arm around me. Everything just makes me happy right now.
Very sweet post. Don't forget that all of those people are thankful for you also.
what are you on???? just kidding! ditto to your mama's and just keep that last comment close at hand for years down the road when you are totally PO'd at your wonderful husband and stuck with screaming brats at home! :) (not that i would know what that's like...)
Glad you explained the Nook... I figured it was another gadget :) I too would like to know what you are on.. and can you send me some? lol You BETTER be coming in May .. I have myself all psyched up! Save me some hours to play with you ;)
Those are the best moods to be in(: So sweet.
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