Friday, February 04, 2011


I had a visitor the other night!! Luigi!! He was so fabulous and funky as always. =D

Ok, so it wasn't Luigi, it was Blake. But it was so close!

In other news, I finally got my staple gun so I finished my chair!! =D Sooo happy it's done!

This was the before. When we brought it home from Goodwill, Blake wouldn't even let it live in the house until it had been completely bleached and scrubbed and painted.

And this is after a couple coats of paint and some new fabric. Zebra, of course! This chair is for my future sewing area. Now I've just gotta build my sewing desk and get to sewing!! I am thinking it will be black and white with pops on pink and lime green. Alllright! ;)

This is another project. I saw Pottery Barn's number canvas and thought it was pretty groovy. So I made my own with numbers that are significant to Blake and me. My hand was a little shaky with my sponge brush and the numbers, but it looks rather nice when you stand back a little. (Heehee)

As soon as Blake got home I enlisted his help to hang it in our bedroom. It's not quite living-room quality haha. Now we've just gotta find something to hang beside it so it's not so lonely. And, yes, it really is level even though it looks crooked haha, we double-checked it with the level.



Reno said...

Your chair looks very nice. Good job with all of your projects! Who is that character who keeps popping up in your blog? He looks quite entertaining.

Ora said...

1- Blake owns overalls? wow!
2- Chair is awesome.. and Jay gave me the same speech about bleaching my orange chair. It is currently dismantled and being preped for paint.. wish me luck!

The Cutesie-Tootsie Gublers said...

I like your chair, too! good job. wanna let us know what your numbers signify????? is it just too hot and bothersome?? heehee. P.s. hurry up and write some more. very entertaining and helps get my mind off all me aches and woes of pregnancy!!!! ;(
