Today is Father's Day so I made my dad a chocolate cake and attempted my first time icing it all fancily. Did not work out as well as my visions of grandeur showed them to me. Blake said I did wonderful mimicking a child's drawing. Oh snap! And not only that, but after I had iced the top all fancy, I went to color the side icing red, but ran out of red food coloring just in time to get a hot-pink color. Boldly I iced on, thinking that my dad would be comfortable enough with his manliness that a hot pink cake shouldn't frighten him away. Plus it was chocolate, and really, who can resist?
Yesterday night I got a hankering for some fast-food. I bribed Braydon into coming along for the ride as I went to DQ to get a brownie earthquake and fries. He got an earthquake too as the siren-song of the brownie and soft ice cream is too much for anyone to resist. By the time we got home and he had finished his I was done with the sweet. I tried to give my ice cream/brownie/oreo goodness away, but NO ONE wanted it! So I went outside with Braydon to keep him and his pup, Ares, company. Ares about went crazy trying to bite through the fence to get him some of that. I guess the siren-song works on multiple species. So I dripped some ice cream on the ground for him to lick up. Unfortunately some ice cream got on his head (tee hee) and it got all over unsuspecting Braydon's hands as he went to pet his dog. It is so much fun to torment the kid! He got hit twice yesterday as we were cleaning off Dad's grill with hot soapy water. Brayd was crouched down cleaning the bottom and I opened the lid and squeezed the dirty water out of the rag onto the lid, which ran down to the crack and onto Braydon's head. =D Totally an accident. *Sigh* He is getting his just rewards for having a biting habit when we were younger. This habit will be immortalized in Damon and Sabra's wedding pictures forever, right under my right eye.
1 comment:
I'd like to see one of those pictures as proof that your poor little brother deserves your tender mercies.
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