Blake and I have been married for almost SIX months now! Wow, I did not realize it had been that long until I counted it out on my fingers. The two months we had together before he left for basic training were some of the best months of my life. Blake is such a sweet guy. He is generous beyond belief, a great listener (if you can get him away from W.O.W.), incredibly smart, talented, and not to mention verrrry handsome! =D He makes me so happy and just hearing his voice can brighten my whole day.
I remember when were were just dating we were sitting in his computer room talking and being silly. Somehow my elbow got conked against the chair. Not hard, just hard enough to make it an "Ouch" moment. I looked at Blake and burst into tears. There was absolutely no reason for the tears, but for some reason they burst from me. Blake sweetly put his arms around me and let me sob into his shoulder for several minutes until I hiccuped myself into semi-calm. I know he felt quite awkward, but comforted me anyways. His dad in the other room must have thought I was psychotic. But Blake made me feel better, and now only mentions the "episode" when he knows it won't be repeated. =]
I still marvel at how easily it would have been NOT to have met Blake. It was two days before the Sadie Hawkin's dance and me and my friend were trolling the school, searching for someone to tag for our date. We stayed behind in our seminary class and asked for names from our teacher, and Blake's name came up in the list of dateless males. I had never met him, and had not ever really even SEEN him, so I dismissed this idea. It wasn't until, after a day of searching for some un-caveman-like guy to take to the dance that, in desperation, I asked my friend Jeff Peterson to give me some ideas. At first he looked pensive, and then said "Nope!" But then his face lit up evily as he said, "Blake!" Even though all I knew about him was I liked his name and that he was Jeff's friend (that was TERRIFYING), me and Jeff cooked up a scheme to get Blake tagged.
So the next day after school, me, Jeff, Haden Wright, and Melissa Jones climbed up the tech stage stairs and when Blake came to the door, I whipped out the tag and put it around his neck. Blake didn't say anything. Oy. My friends left and I stood there with him as he looked everywhere but at me! I was desperately hoping that HE was not regretting my decision to blind-date him to me. After a pretty much, "Heh, ok" conversation, I left (cussing out my friends for leaving me alone in the stairway) and me and Melissa went to find matching shirts for ourselves and our dates.
Our date the next night was dinner and games at Melissa's house. Blake and I didn't talk much as his shyness was rubbing off on me. But I would look up across the table and we would meet eyes and smile- then look away quickly. We got squashed playing Disney Scene It, but managed to laugh with each other. Then we went to the casual dance and I had more fun than I had ever had at a school dance! First we went and got married (so that would make us married for... almost four years now) by Bro. Wilson. We exchanged tin rings and Hershey's kisses. =D Then we danced crazily and talked about music and had a blast! At the end of the date I grabbed Blake and pulled him into a sweaty hug. =D
After that night we became friends on Myspace. Yes, Myspace. And we emailed back and forth until I asked him on a second date to the Winter Ball (ANOTHER girl's choice :\) and shortly after that he emailed me this poem:
"I feel this overwhelming feeling that is just.....beyond words. all i want to do is walk the streets and talk with you. get to know more about you. i just want to hold you in my arms and keep you warm when it is cold. everything i write about you is the truth. but the words i write can't express all the feelings i have for you. all i can do is hope that you feel the same. in the spring we can go dancing in the rain. i lay there thinking of you, the memories we have made, the emails we write. this is to the beautiful girl who swept me off my feet, taking me by surprise. I see your eyes when i close mine. this comes from me, not a music record or the tv. who would have guessed that i would be turned head over heels for you. keep being your cute self." And in the next email he sent me he asked me to be his girlfriend. =D Of course I said yes, how could I not?
The years that have followed have been fantastic! Blake is truly my best friend and marrying him, even though we are far away for now, was the best decision of my life.
1 comment:
I can't believe he stuck it out after that first sweaty hug!
I think that boy may be deeper than I knew!
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