I found this questionnaire online and somehow managed to convince Blake to fill it out! We couldn't look at the other's answers, but it was fun to read how some of our answers were similar!
Tell us about the first time you met and your first impression of him/her:
J- I needed some arm-candy to a dance and searched high and low. I asked a friend for help finding a man and realized that there was this hidden gem right under my nose for two years! My friend led me to Blake. Sooo cute and sweet! The day after I tagged him for the date I kept seeing him in the halls because we were both checking the other one out. Needless to say, I was very pleased with my prospect and had an amazing time on our first date!
B- My friends went ahead and set me up to be tagged for the Sadie Hawkins Dance in High School without my knowledge. Lucky for my friends and her, I was at school working stage tech for the school musical. When she tagged me I was in utter disbelief that my friends had convinced such a good looking gal to ask sweaty, poorly dressed me to a dance. Unfortunately I had made our first moments very awkward with my shyness. But i could tell she was a fun person to be around even through the very silent conversation.
What’s a weird habit or quirk that s/he has?:
J- He has to finish things. Doesn't sound weird but he has to finish a chapter in his book even if he's suuuper tired. Or he has to finish a whole pizza even if he doesn't like it and is poppin' his jeans button.
B- She seems to not like it when i mess with my eyebrows or hers. She must smooth them down if i makes the slightest brush against them.
What makes him/her happy?:
J- Rice and video games. I swear he can eat rice for every meal and snacks. And he'll disappear into the bedroom for hours on a Sunday to play his video games. But I loves him anyways!
B- ME of course!
What makes him/her sad?:
J- When we're out of rice. He bawls like a baby. It's actually quite embarrassing as the neighbors can hear him moaning through the walls.
B- She gets sad when she is forced to live over 1000 miles away from family and friends but i think she will forgive me.
What makes him/her angry?:
J- Oklahoma drivers. He'll come home from work just cheesed at some stupid stunt that someone on the road just pulled.
B- When I keep pestering her over and over by doing the same thing she has told me to stop doing (ex. sniffling instead of blowing my nose)
What excites him/her?
J- When I suggest we go out to eat. Perhaps I should be insulted that he totally lights up when i suggest we buy someone else's cooking!
B- Finding amazing items and ridiculously good prices.
Tell us something funny about him/her
J- He's psychotic in his sleep! Every night is something new. Sometimes he'll say to "Put cheese on it." Or he'll put his feet on my side and I'll push them away and he'll put his feet back, just to pester me unconsciously.
B- She can get herself laughing at things that are inside jokes with herself and she wil just laugh and laugh, it is cute and sometimes contagious.
What’s s/he like at home?:
J- Very laid back. He loves to cuddle even though he hardly ever hugs anyone besides me. He's great to just lay back and talk to.
B- Crafty and constantly looking for something new to do.
What’s s/he like at work/school?:
J- Amazing! He's soo smart and can pick anything up really fast! He is known for being "sharp" and a hard worker.
B- Mostly Business minded but she watches the clock waiting to be free once again.
What’s his/her best friend like?:
J- Well she's pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Yes, we've both agreed we're each others best friends. How sweet.
B- Well her best friend is the most amazing person ever because that person is me.
Do you know who s/he hates the most?:
J- He doesn't really hate people that he knows. He gets irritated by people
though. It's strangers that he hates when they do stupid things (mostly drivers and horrible parkers)
B- funny enough i don't, she just seems to love and love most of the time.
Have you met his/her exes?:
J- Haha, I have the privilege of being his first and only girlfriend! I love it otherwise I'd probably "accidentally" bump her off a cliff.
B- yes, no comment.
What’s the first thing s/he would do or say if s/he fell down and scraped their knee:
J- "Fo shizzle my nizzle!" =D
B- Things that shouldn't be repeated followed by a will you kiss it better once she is over the initial shock.
What would s/he do in an emergency situation with other people involved?:
J- He's been through an EMT class and knows cpr so I think he's pretty prepared. When I cut my finger or something he's very hands on and wants to take care of me.
B- Blend into the background and stress out about what would happen next.
Which shop would s/he spend the most time at in a shopping mall?:
J- Hot Topic. He's a t-shirt-a-holic. Especially if they have their bogo sale going on.
B- Um.....The whole mall~! She just likes shopping for so many things no one store will suffice her shopping needs.
What would s/he have for a typical breakfast?:
J- Cereal. He's even made the switch (mostly because I'm there when we shop) to almond milk with his cereal. On the weekends it's usually Egos if he has to make it or Egg-in-a-hole's if I will make it for him.
B- toast with jam
Where would s/he want to go for dinner?:
J- Panda Express or Jersey Mikes. He loves his Chinese food. He is very sad he had to leave his favorite restaurant in Utah-China Palace.
B- Jimmy John's
What kind of movie would s/he choose at the cinema?:
J- Probably a comedy. But I usually drag him to a scary movie or a chick-flick. He's so sweet and secretly loves it when destiny brings a couple back together against all odds!
B- either scary or romantic comedy
If s/he wasnt going out with you, who would s/he be going out with?:
J- Perhaps with work buddies. If we were in Utah it would be with his scary friend posse.
B- um... my long lost twin.
What item in his/her wardrobe would you like to burn:
J- His teeny-tiny speedo. Oy vey. He has pranced around in it for the old ladies at the pool and made their day, but I would rather the speedo disappear!
B- her fuzzy black slippers, who knows what germs lay on those things.
What is s/he totally horrible at?:
J- Ummmm... nothing? I would say cooking, but it's just because he hasn't learned how.
B- convincing me not to eat out.
What’s something about him/her that is annoying/infuriating?:
J- When I'll ask him something and he doesn't answer. He won't reply and I have to yell his name several times and then he'll innocently ask, "Whaaat?" Or perhaps it is when he passes gas when he's by me. It's the worst when I'm eating.
B- SHe sometimes just won't tell me what is wrong, not sure if she just thinks that it is the most obvious thing ever or that i am suppose to figure it out magically but it would be nice to just be told what is bothering her.
What’s something that you two fundamentally disagree on?:
J- TV shows. He is a Mythbusters guy and I'm a Say Yes to the Dress girl. Sometimes we'll retreat to our seperate TVs, but mostly we'll just grin and bear it and hope there's a show on that we both like.
B- My desire of ownership of firearms.
What’s something that you two agree whole-heartedly on?:
J- How happy we are to be married. February 5, 2010 was the best day ever!
B- That we love each other!
Is s/he possessive?:
J- Perhaps a little. Not as much as me, but he does like to come up and put his arm around me to make sure other guys don't try anything.
B- Of me YES!
Why would s/he succeed in life
J- Because he's so smart and dedicated and doesn't bend rules at all
B- Because she will not take anyone elses opinion unless there is no other choice.
What is the coolest gift that s/he has ever given you?:
J- He gave me a black messenger bag with a skull on it. I didn't even help him pick it out and he bought me a purse! I love it because I can load it up with anything and everything
B- my sense of fashion.
Tell us about a time s/he looked absolutely gorgeous:
J- Every morning when I open my eyes and he's there and gives me a big smile! =D But our wedding day he looked soo amazing too- all tuxed out and happy!
B- Our wedding day, hands down the most gorgeous ever!
What do you love most about him/her?:
J- He is the sweetest guy I've ever known. He's so thoughtful and he makes me laugh every day!
B- Her cute smile that she always brings out when she wants to buy something...