Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentines Day!!

I just watched Pocahontas so perhaps I'm feeling a bit romantic. So I had to tell of my hubby's amazing-ness. He got me flowers for Valentines! =D Monday I went out to get the mail around 3:00 (which is when Blake usually calls to say he's coming home. He didn't this time). When I got back, I unlocked the door and came inside, focused on taking my shoes off before I stepped onto the carpet. When I got them off, I saw my laptop had started playing my 90210 that I had left to buffer up. Mehmehmeh. So I sat down on the futon and started messing with my laptop. It was then that a strange man came at me from the hallway!!! I let out a strangled gasp! The burglerizer was Blake! My poor heart though- the house was supposed to be empty! After I calmed down he asked, all insulted, why I had not noticed the big bouquet of flowers sitting on the bar! How I had missed them is beyond me! Too distracted by mud on my shoes I guess.

Of course I had to document this day! Daisies are my favorite flower and my hunky hubby is so sweet for getting them for me!

For dinner that night, we pulled out our deep-fryer and poured two liters (!) of oil into it and made Tempura. It was an experience. We tried to clean out some of our veggies that we've been slow to use. So we had some sort of squash, mushrooms, and broccoli. I made a soy-sauce dipping sauce to go with it. It wasn't quite Benja's, but it was pretty tasty. Perhaps we'll try again sometime. And to balance out the salty food, I made cinnamon rolls for dessert and ate 6 of them!! That was too much for my still-sickly stomach to handle! So, when I'm not sick, I will do a Valentines do-over and make Blake a dinner fit for Valentines. Complete with heart-shaped EVERYTHING of course! =D I love you Blake Scott!!


Reno said...

It's a good thing you didn't have a gun in your hand.
Very sweet, Blake. Good job. Way to treat that girl right.

Beth Williams said...

husbands are the best(:
I dont know how I didn't know about your blog before! Hooray for blog stalking♥
