Thursday, February 03, 2011


The first week we were here we went and explored so many places! In the weeks that followed... not so much. Lately it is mostly because we have been cooped up because of the snow. Today we finally braved the roads and went and picked up my package and got some groceries and a few misc items we needed from Ace. I was worried about getting out of the parking lot as I had spent about an hour watching a guy in a BMW try to get out of his parking spot as he got stuck after he moving his car two feet. But Blake did so good driving in the snow and ice. =D

It is cloudy today and I am hoping it doesn't snow again! But it has been nice having Blake home with me all week! =D Although he is still such a snot! Every time we pass the pool he steps on the ice. I guess he is just thrilled to be on top of a frozen pool. But last night he went out by himself to get the mail. 10 minutes pass. No Blake. 20 minutes pass. No Blake. 30 minutes pass. No Blake! I was so sure that the stinker had stepped on the ice and had fallen through and had drowned underneath the sheet of ice. Turns out he had just stopped at the car and had shifted snow around and let the car warm up. Oy!

Anyways, here are some pics from our first week and such. =D

I just had to put this in here. It's from the day before our move and somehow he managed to nap on the pullout sofa.

For Christmas we both got trapper beanies. I just love Blake in his ninja-turtles beanie! The red braids make him look a bit like Pippi Longstockings or like a Brun Helga! =D

This picture is just us outside our apartment, happy we were mostly moved in by the time this picture was taken. :)

I just love this picture. Blake plops on the bed when he is waiting for me to entertain him.

Yes, sometimes Blake gives me crusties when I make him pose for a photo, hehe. But what a beautiful peakcock he makes!! =D

This was just a wall that I thought was so groovy downtown!

And here is us. Being beautiful as always!

Here is the memorial for the OKC bombings. We just wandered around outside where the building had stood. It was a verrry cold day so we were ready to go home, so we didn't see the inside museum. Another time.

These chairs represent each person who was killed. The little ones smattered throughout the big chairs represent the children.

I am so anxious to explore when it is summer and everything is green! Right now everything is brown and white. It will be a huge change when summer comes and grass and trees turn green again! =D


Reno said...

I should have loaned Blake my ice skates.
Looks like fun!

Shirley said...

You let Blake know IF he drowns himself in the frozen pool, You and I will both come after him and KILL him! He is sooo his father :)
