Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Friday and Saturday were the most beautiful of days this last weekend. Ideal even. The sun was shining, the temperature was in the low 70's, and there was just the slightest of breezes to ruffle Blake's buzzcut. But today, just a couple days after that perfect weather, pretty much the entire state of Oklahoma is shut down!

It is crazy out there! This picture is a bad representation of the snow and ice and wind that is plaguing our little state. It is so bad that Blake didn't have to go into work today. The news people say to only drive around for vital reasons. ... Getting my package from the post office is vital...right??? I saw a guy walking around the parking lot this morning and the snow goes up past his ankles. Me, never experiencing this kind of snow, is totally perplexed!! ...Am totally perplexed?... Anyways!

I have been popping over to Goodwill as often as I can drag Blake with me. I think I gave him my germ-a-phobe-ness. He's even worse at touching things at Goodwill than me! We ended up getting a lamp the other day to add some light into our dark living area.


Dun dun dun dunnnn! After some white spraypaint and a new lampshade =D

I am obsessed with white. Black too, but mostly white. The birds and the picture frame are from a little shopping trip to my new favorite store, Hobby Lobby! Yay for sales! And that little end table was a redo from when Blake was at tech school (and couldn't object to me mod-podging the glass with a floral pattern). I am dying to get to the post office to pick up my staple-gun to finish another black-and-white household project. It's driving me nuts!! So cross your fingers that this snow clears up fast or I might lose it completely haha!


Robin said...

cute! I'm loving the white too. xxoo

Reno said...

Very nice. You are a crafty chick. And brrr....it does look cold there. Stay warm- just forget that pink staple gun!
