While we were in The Mecca, we decided to cross one of the things off my bucket list. Kayaking. Wheeee! My bucket list was originally a 25 before 25… but the time constraint was just not my style. Below is a sampling of my list. Why just a sample? Why not the full-monty? Because I'm a mysterious woman I suppose.
Bucket List :)
1 Go through temple
2 Leave the country
3 Write a novel in a month
4 Go platinum blonde DONE
5 Get rid of acne scars
6 Fit into high school jeans again DONE
7 Run a half marathon
8 Figure out all aspects of camera
9 Learn Cradle of Filth song on piano
10 Get eyebrows professionally done
11 Be able to grab my foot without bending my leg
12 Complete a mud run
13 Do 5 pull-ups in a row
14 Get a tattoo
15 Make canvas art DONE
16 Read 5 classic books
17 Learn to knit
18 Complete a 3 day juice feast
19 Go on a formal date
20 Go kayaking DONE
21 Hike somewhere new
22 Go on a picnic in the park
23 Skate comfortably
24 Learn to draw
25 Plant a full garden
26 Do a correct cartwheel
27 Go to a laughter/hot yoga class
28 Go to a Cirque du Soleil show
29 Go to a walk-through aquarium
30 Learn to play chess
31 Visit New Zealand
32 Learn to french braid

ANYWAYS, we rented our kayak and Blake and the rent man put it into the back of Dad's truck. I love being the woman (although at this rate I'll never get rid of my kitten arm muscles) and we went to Sand Hollow. Not exactly the rapids, but that's okay. Then I had to help Blake drag the kayak to the lake. It was sooo heavy! By the time we got it down the boat ramp I was ready to take a nap. We slathered on sunscreen, but I decided I would like some sun on my legs (I took off the shorts in the picture once we were out of the site of scary people). By the time we were done I had the worst sunburn on my legs! Holay Molay! From my baby toe up to my panty line. It's a beautiful tan line now, lemme tell ya.
So we got onto the lake, with me in the front and paddled in circles several times with me convinced it was entirely Blake's fault. I'm sure it was. I kept getting spooked when I would look into the lake and think of the Loche Ness monster coming up from the water and overturning our inflatable kayak. We circled the large rocks in the middle and got out and climbed around. Then we got back in the boat and paddled to an obscure part of the lake and pulled out our lunch. Almond butter and jam sandwiches and water. Not much, but strangely delicious when you're trying not to get lake water in your bread.
Aside from being frightened of old Nessy and the wake from boats, and getting that horrible sunburn I had tons of fun! We tried to go to Main Street Cafe but found they were closed. We went the next day and Blake had the happiest Jocelyn on his hands. Yummah!

You still have time to do 25 before 25. It looks like you have a good start anyway. And yes - you are a mysterious woman. Loves!
lol your mom is right... get crackin! I want to see this canvas art.. that's on my list too.. I need to pull my list off pinterest and actually start doing it!
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