Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Forgive me Internets for I have sinned...

...It's been 8 days since my last confession. 

So for lack of much interesting going lately... well, that we can publicly announce on the internetz, I decided to write about myself! What can I say, I'm narcissistic. But so is Blake, so we match. But I've seen "confessions" on several blogs I read and I think they are the bees-knees! I'm 95% sure that the next post I put up will make your toes curl a little bit though. 

Without further adieu, I confess…
I have been jamming to Britney and my pals N'sync lately, a big change from my Cradle of Filth-lovin' self. My favorite gingerhead-man might hang his head in shame, but I loves me some "booty shakin'!"

I confess…
I flicked a drop of cleaning water off my gloves and onto my eyelid when I was cleaning the bathtub the other day and let out a blood-curdling scream into my empty apartment. Afterwards I crouched there, silently ashamed.

I confess…
After a couple months of being on a "ferment EVERYTHING!" kick, when I saw the zucchini rotted at the bottom of my veggie crisper, I felt nauseous. 

I confess…
Kanye is my new man. As are Taio Cruz and Flo Rida. I made a Pandora station and everything. Next thing ya know I'll be ridin' dirty down the parking lot with my windows rolled down, flashing my grillz. Wigga what?!

I confess…
I was alone in the gym the other day with Twilight playing. I still kept an eye and a half on the movie, entranced at the glittery men, but paranoid someone would come in and catch me watching it. It's more interesting if you don't hear dialogue. 

I confess…
A lot of ideas Blake has are bad…. until they're MY ideas. (i.e.: Perhaps Sonic tots and a limeade would accompany our dinner perfectly!) I call it the Wife Syndrome.

I confess…
I eat perhaps 85% of my meals (don't ask how I came up with that percentage because I don't know myself) in front of a screen. I'm sorry I've shamed you, Mummy. I BLAME THE BLAKE!

I confess…
Sometimes I'll get all dressed up and ready for the gym and end up just spending the day dressed in my nasty gym clothes and booby-crushing sports bra. 

I confess…
I crave lobster, a lot. I don't know why! I've never eaten one of the little guys! Or even smelled one cooking. …I think… perhaps it was disguised as hot dogs, Mumsy? o_O

I confess…
If I absolutely must eat an egg, I always fish out the little fetuses in them or I can't enjoy the food. But if I'm making eggs just for Blake, I have no problem letting him munch on the chewy little chicken zygotes. 

I confess…
I taped myself singing to my iPod once. …Ahem… I thought about saving it for when people ask me why I don't sing in church. I've never been so embarrassed for myself, so I had to delete it immediately. 

I confess…
If I get tired of some leftover in the fridge, I'll pack it in Blake's lunch until it's gone. He's got no choice to eat it or he'll go hungry. Muahahaha! Hopefully he doesn't read this post…

I confess…
Sometimes I'll get mad at the Mountain Dew 2 liter the Blake has been nursing for keeping him hyper when I want to sleep and will give it a little shake when Blake is in the other room. Blake can never know I shake his baby. He just wonders how it gets flat so fast.

I confess…
I can't walk barefoot on "pet-carpet." Or eat off "pet-plates." Or lean back on couches that are "pet couches." Serious fur-OCD runs in my familia.

I confess…
When I've got a runny nose during the winter, I'll put a few squares of TP in my coat pockets when I go out and wipe my nose a little at a time. Then when the next winter comes up, I'll find tissues in my coat pockets and will continue using them if I don't have an alternative. I found 4 squares of practically untouched TP in my white hoodie the other day!

I confess…
I am an American Eagle-aholic. And since the jeans are a little on the pricey side, I have to wear them all--even if I have several pairs two sizes too big. I own jeans and a pair of shorts that are so baggy in the waist and butt that approx. 3-4 inches of underwear show when I walk. Even non-fashionista Blake complains that my butt looks bad. But they are American Eagle so I will continue to wear them. Forever. 

I confess…
Blake's visiting teachers came by and one of them asked for a glass of water. Blake let him use one of our red glass cups (previously my favorite kind), and now, approx. 7 months later, I still can't use the red cups because they don't feel clean enough. 

It would be lame to write a post without a picture... so I put one I snapped of Lars- Blake's alter-ego. This was directly taken after he said, "Yezz, we shall goe shoppingz for thee new Bunz of Steel moshun pictuuure, Loverrr."

Monday, January 16, 2012

Phone Dump

So I went through my phone and found a lot of images that made me smile so I had to post them, of course!

First one is a picture of a picture hanging in Blake's fantastic Grandma's house. It seems me and Blake were twin-souls even when we were children because there are family photos floating around with me pulling faces.

When we were doing some drill work in the apt I made Blake take off his shirt to do it so I could admire his manly-man-ness

I've had a lot of people bucher my name spelling before... but, really? "Loin??"

At perhaps the funnest sandwich shop ever- City Bites. Blake's sandwich had tatertots in it!

Mine was the delicious veggie with cherry peppers. I almost stepped in a diaper walking to the shop, but it was worth it!

This is what happens when I wash our sheets when Blake is home. He makes housework very difficult. The night we put the clean sheets on I can hear him smelling the sheets when we go to bed. :)

My tottering heels. Grrrrowl!

Me in a fat mask. Actually it is a gelatin pore strips recipe that can pull your eyebrows right off your face 

One stage of my platinum blond journey. Yeller blond. It calmed down after a wash.

Oklahoma sunsets are very gorgeous. Maybe it's the smog, maybe it's the fact that there are no mountains to block out the gasses. I love standing by the railing and looking at the city skyline at sunset.

Blake in my sleep mask one morning. He is a multi-faceted sleeper

Blake's new boots. I spent a day breaking them in for him and even though they flapped on my feet and are ugly as sin. 100 brownie points for me! Perhaps I'll have him return the favor and break in my next pair of heels...

The picture I sent Blake when I found I can fit into my skinny jeans again! Pst-they fit even better now than they do in high school somehow! I screamed and danced in our empty apt.

If I were a tellytubby I would be Jocey-Wocey. PS-the plunger was brand new...but it went with my outfit

Downtown OKC has tons of trees and all of them were strung with lights on all the branches. Blake has to drive so I can stare at all the pretty colors. It is one thing OK has over Utah at Christmas.

Homemade bread bowls. My tomato bisque was perfect, Blake's chicken-noodle leaked out of his thin bowl. Otherwise pretty heavenly.

GIANT black olives! It's been years since we've been able to put olives on our fingers so we had to indulge. It. Was. Awesome!

One evening Blake got hungry and made himself some ramen and an egg. It completely stunk up the apt! So I told him he'd better eat outside. =D It was pathetic. He was shivery and hobo-ish. So I let him inside. I think me putting him on the patio erased my previously earned brownie points. :(

My new raspberry coat that Blake sweetly ordered for me. Best hubby eva!

Our brunchfast today-spaghetti squash, salad, and garlic toast. Spaghetti squash is incredible! Blake said he could eat it every couple weeks! 

I know it was completely thrilling to look at my phone pics... but it's for my benefit also. Blake and I had an awesome holiday today and looking back at these memories just finished it off great. :)

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Christmas as celebrated by the ghosts of Christmas Jocelyn and Blakester

Prepare for pictures overload...

 Christmas this year in the Gubler/Scoot (oopsie, I'll enjoy that typo) household was pretty chill. I suppose we are just chill people in general. I was exhaustedly glad that Christmas day had actually came because Blake constantly pestered me to open his presents. He would poke and prod the packages and pick at the tape until I shooed him off with a broom.

 My fabulous Mumsy sewed us up an advent calendar that arrived on the first of December and we put a little ornament on it every day. Loves and adores it!! It took some explaining to the Blake that, no, even if he put all the ornaments on RIGHT NOW, Christmas would not come any faster. Sillyhead. 

We put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving. I was super excited because I bought our fabulous black tree last year with my sis-in-law the day we picked up our moving truck and I had wanted to peek at it since we (meaning, muscly Ora) hauled it into the trunk in the Tai Pan parking lot. We had also bought plum and silver glass ornaments at Hobby lobby last year shortly after we got to OK. Yes, Blake approved the color scheme. After it was set up and decorated I whipped up a white tree skirt and we have been oogling our tree ever since. After the first two presents were placed under the tree Blake started his daily nagging to open the presents. I haz a child alreddy! 

On Christmas Eve we watched as Blake's family (hehe, the Crazy Scoots) opened their presents through the webcam. Brilliant webcam miracle! We also opened presents from them, which did not quell Blake's hunger for unwrapping presents-it sparked a flame. Afterwards we got Chilis To-Go and ate at our candle-lit table. How romantic, eating out of styrofoam. I had the most delicious grilled veggie tacos and Blake got some sort of quesadillas with dead things in them. Add chips and salsa and some corn and it was a party! We played some card games (me wiping the floor with Blake) and watched a movie.

*Note, these are from another Chilis to-go experience. Notice my "avocado" bean burger has two measly slices of avocado? Sneaky snakes…

The day of Christmas Blake woke up at 5am… and probably every hour after that. Finally he couldn't stand it anymore and pestered me awake at 8:30. He must have been given the 411 from Braydon. We got up and ate waffles (Blake scarfing them down in his eagerness) and we finally sat down to unwrap presents.

 Can i just say I loved and adored every single present?? =D Sure, I did pick most of them out myself, but that's beside the point. :) Blake seemed pleased with most of his presents, although he did get a little sour once...
Personally I would have been thrilled with a teeth-whitening kit!
All of our presents were labeled with love and creativity

My West Elm owls we-ahem, I mean SantaMcBlake, found at Marshalls for 1/4 of the price! Holla!

Um, fabulousness!! My amaze-za-zing sissy made this for me!!
Corn feed foot warmer I made for Polarbear-Toes McBlake

What could be in my fancy Made-Special-By-Shirley stocking that I stuffed a few weeks before?


Blake got oodles of candy in his stocking and a toothbrush. He was thrilled!
After unwrapping presents I got to see the Crazy Gublers through the webcam! Yay for more fantasmicness!!!! I was "passed around like an Indian peace-pipe" (-quote from Adam or Damon describing me as a baby) and saw all the fanciness that Mumsa, Padre, and Braydinski had unwrapped. Umm, homesick anyone?

Poorly done bokeh... but fun

After present-opening was done we took some pics of our tree and by the tree. Traditional pics until we died. And became ghosts. We found it very difficult to get the camera to capture our ghost selves, but we managed. 

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Kayak and Bucket Lists!

While we were in The Mecca, we decided to cross one of the things off my bucket list. Kayaking. Wheeee! My bucket list was originally a 25 before 25… but the time constraint was just not my style. Below is a sampling of my list. Why just a sample? Why not the full-monty? Because I'm a mysterious woman I suppose.

Bucket List :)
1 Go through temple
2 Leave the country
3 Write a novel in a month
4 Go platinum blonde DONE
5 Get rid of acne scars
6 Fit into high school jeans again DONE
7 Run a half marathon
8 Figure out all aspects of camera
9 Learn Cradle of Filth song on piano
10 Get eyebrows professionally done
11 Be able to grab my foot without bending my leg
12 Complete a mud run
13 Do 5 pull-ups in a row
14 Get a tattoo
15 Make canvas art DONE
16 Read 5 classic books
17 Learn to knit
18 Complete a 3 day juice feast
19 Go on a formal date
20 Go kayaking DONE
21 Hike somewhere new
22 Go on a picnic in the park
23 Skate comfortably
24 Learn to draw
25 Plant a full garden
26 Do a correct cartwheel
27 Go to a laughter/hot yoga class
28 Go to a Cirque du Soleil show
29 Go to a walk-through aquarium
30 Learn to play chess
31 Visit New Zealand
32 Learn to french braid

ANYWAYS, we rented our kayak and Blake and the rent man put it into the back of Dad's truck. I love being the woman (although at this rate I'll never get rid of my kitten arm muscles) and we went to Sand Hollow. Not exactly the rapids, but that's okay. Then I had to help Blake drag the kayak to the lake. It was sooo heavy! By the time we got it down the boat ramp I was ready to take a nap. We slathered on sunscreen, but I decided I would like some sun on my legs (I took off the shorts in the picture once we were out of the site of scary people). By the time we were done I had the worst sunburn on my legs! Holay Molay! From my baby toe up to my panty line. It's a beautiful tan line now, lemme tell ya.
So we got onto the lake, with me in the front and paddled in circles several times with me convinced it was entirely Blake's fault. I'm sure it was. I kept getting spooked when I would look into the lake and think of the Loche Ness monster coming up from the water and overturning our inflatable kayak. We circled the large rocks in the middle and got out and climbed around. Then we got back in the boat and paddled to an obscure part of the lake and pulled out our lunch. Almond butter and jam sandwiches and water. Not much, but strangely delicious when you're trying not to get lake water in your bread.
Aside from being frightened of old Nessy and the wake from boats, and getting that horrible sunburn I had tons of fun! We tried to go to Main Street Cafe but found they were closed. We went the next day and Blake had the happiest Jocelyn on his hands. Yummah!
