Thursday, February 24, 2011

I can't think of a title, so this is it! =D

I had to start out this post with a picture of my hubby. Just cuz he's so cute! =D

This was taken when we were in Mississippi I think. I believe that this picture will go down in history. =D

I just finished a project! I know, projects are toootttallly not my thing, haha! But this morning, after a hearty breakfast of a little debbie cupcake and lots of hot fries, I went about painting this!

Somehow the stencil I made didn't match up very well on the bottom! I was painting along, thinking about how much I liked the paint strokes and the small imperfections and then my last stencil turned out crazy-wonky. One day I'll sit down and fix it perhaps. Ugh. It'll probably be tomorrow otherwise it will drive me nuts!

I will hang it above the futon when it is dry. *Sigh* I am adoring decorating. =D

We have been taking a pottery class the last couple weeks. We have two weeks more to go and we are loving it! I am still astounded that we spent 6 hours there Saturday! I love it because it brings out Blake's crafty side. I love to see what he does because he's pretty good at drawing! In high school he would write me notes and they would always have little creative stick-figure doodles all over them that would always make me laugh.

After pottery Saturday we went to Chilis and I overate. On a salad. Oy. A salad. Then we went to this boutique in bricktown called "On a Whim." So cute! Here is the disclaimer: BLAKE is sometimes responsible for impulse purchases!!! NOT JUST ME!! Although he always blames me afterwards.
We bought a colander because it matches our kitchen. BLAKE'S idea haha! I gladly went along with it though! =D

And the cutest measuring sets. They have the numbers ...carved...embossed...raised? into them so they won't smear off in the dishwater like our old, cheap ones have done. Perhaps my cooking will improve now that I can figure out the difference between 1/2 cup and 1/3 cup and 1 tsp and 1/4 tsp haha.

Then we went around town and got some sewing gear. The scissors are amaz-za-zing!! Ugly creature, yes, but they cut like a dream! The best part? I got stuff for my in-laws CHRISTMAS presents!! I am practically crying with relief because I have about half of Christmas already figured out!! And it's only the end of February!!

And then we found a little antique store. It was so fun to wander around and look at the booths. I was enjoying it until one of the little dogs waddled over to me and sneezed on my bare leg and then walked away. I guess I know how Ginger felt about me wandering around her territory. :/ We found the cutest little gravy boat thingie and some teacups in two separate booths. They are slightly different colors from each other, but look like they were meant to be together.

Then it was off to Jason's Deli for dinner. =D Heck yes! I may have found my new favorite place to eat!
I got a "Vegalatta" with mushrooms and different kinds of olives in it. I am drooling just thinking of it (cupcakes and hot fries fly right through me I guess!) I got a "half-muff" because that is the size. Ahem. After we were driving home, I smelled the delicious sandwich on my fingers and had Blake smell them. He said, "They smell like muff." Oy!!

We liked Jason's Deli so much that the next day I wanted to go again. It didn't take much convincing Blake to go, so we turned on our gps and saw there was a location 6 miles from home. So we went off to a part of Oklahoma that was, well, seedy. Our gps, Moses, led us astray. Apparently Jason's Deli is located in a subdivison full of druggie-looking houses. When we got there, we saw a bunch of cops and cameras. We guessed some crime had just been committed there, so we zoomed off. After an hour of driving, we ended up back at the location we had eaten at the day before haha.

So that's been our week so far. Blake will be home pretty soon, so I must depart! But I will leave you with a grand picture. Of my feet. Heck yeah!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentines Day!!

I just watched Pocahontas so perhaps I'm feeling a bit romantic. So I had to tell of my hubby's amazing-ness. He got me flowers for Valentines! =D Monday I went out to get the mail around 3:00 (which is when Blake usually calls to say he's coming home. He didn't this time). When I got back, I unlocked the door and came inside, focused on taking my shoes off before I stepped onto the carpet. When I got them off, I saw my laptop had started playing my 90210 that I had left to buffer up. Mehmehmeh. So I sat down on the futon and started messing with my laptop. It was then that a strange man came at me from the hallway!!! I let out a strangled gasp! The burglerizer was Blake! My poor heart though- the house was supposed to be empty! After I calmed down he asked, all insulted, why I had not noticed the big bouquet of flowers sitting on the bar! How I had missed them is beyond me! Too distracted by mud on my shoes I guess.

Of course I had to document this day! Daisies are my favorite flower and my hunky hubby is so sweet for getting them for me!

For dinner that night, we pulled out our deep-fryer and poured two liters (!) of oil into it and made Tempura. It was an experience. We tried to clean out some of our veggies that we've been slow to use. So we had some sort of squash, mushrooms, and broccoli. I made a soy-sauce dipping sauce to go with it. It wasn't quite Benja's, but it was pretty tasty. Perhaps we'll try again sometime. And to balance out the salty food, I made cinnamon rolls for dessert and ate 6 of them!! That was too much for my still-sickly stomach to handle! So, when I'm not sick, I will do a Valentines do-over and make Blake a dinner fit for Valentines. Complete with heart-shaped EVERYTHING of course! =D I love you Blake Scott!!

A Beautiful Day!!

Today is a GORGEOUS day!! The weather changes so fast considering last week I was freezing my giblets off and this week I am in shorts and dresses. I have the sliding door open and there is a breeze coming in and I am in bliss. =D
Enough about the weather. I had to share my newest accomplishment. I am so pleased with it! Remember that pine board from my last post? Well I have finished that project. =D I am so very pleased!! I can't stop saying "pleased!"

Here it is! Our new baby ottoman! =D

Having a futon is great because 1- it was free! and 2- It's multi-functional. But it's not very comfortable to sit on. I have to have my legs stretched out. So I have been keeping my eyes open at Goodwill for an ottoman or a coffee table to fix up. Alas, there has never been one that we wanted to adopt. So, since I have been on a decorating-frenzy, I decided to build one! I haven't built anything since I was little and Shane left some scraps of wood from my playhouse. Haha, I have improved in the last 15 years thank goodness!

My two favorite birds discussed whether or not they should live on the new ottoman, but decided they would probably get kicked off by Blake's feet one of these days while he was watching the boob-tube. But they approve of my fabric choice. =D

I had to test it out! It's slightly lower than our futon so it's perfect to stretch out.

I would have been finished with it a few days ago, but once I attached the legs onto it, I realized the legs needed to be shorter. So we went back to Lowes (which we frequent more than any other store nowadays!) and searched for some different legs. None were to be found that didn't need a... thingie... screw-looking-thing... for the top. So, we did the most logical thing. We bought a circular saw. =D Hehe. Oh well, I have wanted one for a while. So Blake sawed them suckers down to ten inches and I repainted them and stuck them on today. Very pleased.

Here's how it looked with its spindly legs.

Here's the innards of the ottoman. As you can see, the concept is very simple. =D I couldn't have done it without its simplicity haha. But I must say, the hardest part was cutting through the padding with my sewing scissors! My hands were barkin' by the time I was done! We bought the padding from Hancock and the other option was foam (like three times more expensive) and I would never have cut through that foam! So I'm glad we found this padding!

Oh yes, I must add a picture of our new rug. I am in love with it! The colors of our house (well, the main ones) are black, white, and shades of aqua. So when I saw this chevron rug, I knew it had to come live with us.

So that is what I've been up to! And I must say thanks to Hunky for helping me and being patient while I searched for the perfect fabric!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

An addition to the family...

Blake and I had our first anniversary last weekend. We've been married a year, but been together for like 4 months haha. I love my hubby so much. He makes me laugh every day, even when everything feels crappy. Anyways, we decided it was time Bernini had a sister. I mean, we have been officially married one year and all. =D

Unfortunately she still doesn't officially have a name. But she has proved to be a great addition to the family.

She inspired Blake to make cookies!! He said he has never really made them. They turned out pretty tasty too! They were chomped down too fast to take a picture of, sorry. =D

He makes a good "hooch maid." =D

And, after having lost my other spring scissors somewhere in the move, I found another pair that matches our new kitchenaid!

And finally, I am working on another project. I am super excited for it to be finished- just waiting for my hot glue gun to get here. Any idea what it is? The picture below is a hint... ;)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Split Ends

The ultimate redo isn't furniture. It isn't a lamp. It isn't a room. It's... Jocelyn!!
After sitting in a chair for 4 hours and 15 minutes around mid-December, my hair was a great color, but the cut was... pretty much un-cut, haha. The girl I went to today whipped my hair into shape in probably 1/2hour.

Here is my hair as I was waiting to get it cut. Silly me, I chose a day to get my hair cut when I had woken up and actually straightened my hair. =D So. Much. Hair!!

Blake is so happy because he believes he will be able to put on a shirt and not have to pick 10 long hairs out of the cloth. Little does he know I put them there on purpose! Muahahaha!!!!! Ok, not really. But I am very happy too. Long, crazy-thick hair is nice to look at (when it's done) but a pain to live with. I might cry a little bit when I first wash it, but I'm glad it's cut.

Friday, February 04, 2011


I had a visitor the other night!! Luigi!! He was so fabulous and funky as always. =D

Ok, so it wasn't Luigi, it was Blake. But it was so close!

In other news, I finally got my staple gun so I finished my chair!! =D Sooo happy it's done!

This was the before. When we brought it home from Goodwill, Blake wouldn't even let it live in the house until it had been completely bleached and scrubbed and painted.

And this is after a couple coats of paint and some new fabric. Zebra, of course! This chair is for my future sewing area. Now I've just gotta build my sewing desk and get to sewing!! I am thinking it will be black and white with pops on pink and lime green. Alllright! ;)

This is another project. I saw Pottery Barn's number canvas and thought it was pretty groovy. So I made my own with numbers that are significant to Blake and me. My hand was a little shaky with my sponge brush and the numbers, but it looks rather nice when you stand back a little. (Heehee)

As soon as Blake got home I enlisted his help to hang it in our bedroom. It's not quite living-room quality haha. Now we've just gotta find something to hang beside it so it's not so lonely. And, yes, it really is level even though it looks crooked haha, we double-checked it with the level.


Thursday, February 03, 2011


The first week we were here we went and explored so many places! In the weeks that followed... not so much. Lately it is mostly because we have been cooped up because of the snow. Today we finally braved the roads and went and picked up my package and got some groceries and a few misc items we needed from Ace. I was worried about getting out of the parking lot as I had spent about an hour watching a guy in a BMW try to get out of his parking spot as he got stuck after he moving his car two feet. But Blake did so good driving in the snow and ice. =D

It is cloudy today and I am hoping it doesn't snow again! But it has been nice having Blake home with me all week! =D Although he is still such a snot! Every time we pass the pool he steps on the ice. I guess he is just thrilled to be on top of a frozen pool. But last night he went out by himself to get the mail. 10 minutes pass. No Blake. 20 minutes pass. No Blake. 30 minutes pass. No Blake! I was so sure that the stinker had stepped on the ice and had fallen through and had drowned underneath the sheet of ice. Turns out he had just stopped at the car and had shifted snow around and let the car warm up. Oy!

Anyways, here are some pics from our first week and such. =D

I just had to put this in here. It's from the day before our move and somehow he managed to nap on the pullout sofa.

For Christmas we both got trapper beanies. I just love Blake in his ninja-turtles beanie! The red braids make him look a bit like Pippi Longstockings or like a Brun Helga! =D

This picture is just us outside our apartment, happy we were mostly moved in by the time this picture was taken. :)

I just love this picture. Blake plops on the bed when he is waiting for me to entertain him.

Yes, sometimes Blake gives me crusties when I make him pose for a photo, hehe. But what a beautiful peakcock he makes!! =D

This was just a wall that I thought was so groovy downtown!

And here is us. Being beautiful as always!

Here is the memorial for the OKC bombings. We just wandered around outside where the building had stood. It was a verrry cold day so we were ready to go home, so we didn't see the inside museum. Another time.

These chairs represent each person who was killed. The little ones smattered throughout the big chairs represent the children.

I am so anxious to explore when it is summer and everything is green! Right now everything is brown and white. It will be a huge change when summer comes and grass and trees turn green again! =D
