Three days ago, I was just hanging around, nothing too important to do, and my oldest brother, Adam, appeared needing to use the van to go to the mall. He offered to take me cuz he needed to buy a whole new Sunday outfit cuz he was blessing his new baby, Caleb Douglas. So, I went and had a blast. He even modeled the outfits he was trying on for me. When he bought his Kenneth Cole shoes (120$) I about fainted, but he was pleased. The next day he looked smashing and I pride myself on being somewhat of the cause of that. So, if a person has money burning holes in their pockets, I'm available to help you spend it!
Also, I have persuaded my dad to redo my closet--put shelves in it, add an extra bar to hang clothes, etc. So, I have had mondo fun choosing what I want and stuff.
I have also discovered a new band who I absolutly LOVE. The name is... Rise Against. I will not have a decent night's sleep until I have that cd in my stereo.
A couple weeks ago, when I was at the doctor's, he listened to my lungs and said they sounded like an old person's lungs- something about the air sacs not staying open or something. That scared me cuz he had me do an X-ray and stuff. Thankfully it wasn't too serious, but those 15 or so minutes I was waiting for him to look at the X-rays were SO scary. So I have devised a running program to get my lungs to their best. I will need all the luck I can get to keep it up. But, afterwords, we were in his office and I started coughing and I couldn't stop. Gag. That sucked cuz I was almost vomiting and there was nothing I could do about it. So, the Doc. and my mom just watched me while I tried to get myself under control, with tears squeezing out my eyes from the exertion.
Anyways, my sister-in-law, Sabra just left with my nephew, Kael. She's pregnant again! I'm happy cuz Kael is the cutest little kid. He calls me Docie. Sabra also promised me a pair of pants she got off Ebay that usually cost like 200$, but she got for 30$ cuz the girl said they were "last season". I'm freakin' happy about life now. I have estimated how much it's gonna cost me to buy my own school everything and it's gonna cost a pretty penny.
Anyways, I'm going to go nap or something cuz tonight I'm going to Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat musical at Tuicaun--or however you spell it.
I thought this pic was pretty cool. So it's now on my blog.
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