It's cold and flu season again. Joy to the freakin world. I thought I might survive and conquer the storm of hacking, flowing, red-nosed germs throwing themselves at me, but one sneaky devil got through the gauntlet of my defence system. Give us this day our daily multivitamin and echanacea. So, anyways, the term is winding down to nothingness and I am slightly worried about my grades because my teachers haven't updated their powerschool for a while. But, since this term is winding down, I must figure out my schedule for next semester--another stressful situation to put up with. But, hey, it's the Christmas season! Or should I say 'the non-dominational holiday time period'? For me, it's the start of a reflection-period. It's the end of 2005, and it's going to be the start of a whole new year, a whole slough of new experiences to be experienced and had. Things have happened this year that I never would have expected, good and bad. I just wonder what next year will bring...
Also, tonight is my dearest little brother's first band concert. He told me that he was gonna be "so embarassed when people see [him] walking by [me] when we arrive at the concert" and yet he has been popping in the room to make sure I'm coming. He is a weasel. I told him it would be me that was going to be embarassed when people see me walking by with him because he looks like an anorexic Schwartzenegger going through puberty with a smaller cleft. B replied by grinning at me and did his weird little-brother/jittery-poodle run into the next room. I can't help but feel a little bit of fondness towards the little freak.
Right now I am going to go get out of my pjs and get ready to go and be 'embarassed'. *sigh* tomorrows another test in fit-for-life........................................................................... zzzzzzzzzzz
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Can you say "Obsession"?
I NEED TO GO SHOPPING AND BUY SOMETHING!!*Whew* Now that that's out of my system.... Well, life has been a box of assorted chocolates lately, with a few chocolate-covered laxatives mixed in. I'm not quite sure if my brain has been fully and completely functioning in its proper form these past weeks because I go through spurts where I don't feel completely myself. It sucks. Wow, Christmas is like three weeks away. It's crazy how fast time has sped by. My overview of firsts this year: I streaked my hair, got my driver's license, had my first car die on me, survived my sister and her kids live with us for six months, went on a date, went to ST. George by myself, went on a road trip with a friend-no adults, went to California, went to Disneyland, got a failing note for English, stained a wood deck, and stuff of the like. It's crazy how by this time in two years I'll be in college and my friends are going to start breaking up and moving away. If only we could all just freeze time and mentally and physically progress, but events around us, our friends, and the good things that are going on would not leave. I guess I'm just feeling nostalgic because I'm thinking about how it seems like just recently I was a freaked out person coming into high school, now I'm over half finished with it. Also the Thursday before Thanksgiving, my cousin Dan, who was serving in Iraq, was injured. He was getting a bomb off the street and someone set it off when he picked it up. Dan lost his arm three inches above the elbow and lacerated his eyes. Now that someone I know and love has gotten injured out in Iraq, this whole occupation in Iraq has gotten more real to me. I guess I feel even more respect and admiration for those men and women fighting for justice across the world. Well, what else has been going on with me. I guess I'm just in the typing mood right now. Lets see, my new years resolutions. I'm going to have some this year. Some people whine and say that just because a new year is coming 'round doesn't mean they should set goals and accomplish them or whatever. I beg to differ. It's the significance and symbolism of a fresh year to start anew. I think resolutions are a grand thing.Jocelyn's Resolutions (currently under construction):-To get a job this summer-Be able to read a pattern and understand all the instructions-Be able to navigate my own way through St. George-Complete a full journal-Get some muscle tone in my arms-Keep my hair healthy and moisturized-Increase my wardrobe by 50%-Learn one new skill that I will use-Improve my posture-....and....stuffWow, it's not so easy to think of goals for the year 2006. I think 2006 is gonna be a good year though. At least I hope it will be. Right now I'm just stalling time as I wait for my music to finish downloading. My mother cusses me out cuz the program I have slows the computer waaaaaay down when it's up and running, but I say it's worth it!
A poem about my alarm clock--Die you wretched creature,Shame be upon you for the pain you have caused,Agony is your main feature,If you are silent, you will be applaused,But if you sound out with your sleep-shattering mayhem,You will surely be hit,Your foul-sounding shriek makes me say words like, ahem,Well, words like sh- -,Such a vulgar poem you may wonder?Yes, 'tis only appropriate that it should be,One day, dearest alarm clock, I will take you out into the woods and shoot you.----From my brain-----Wow, that was bee-utiful *swipes at eyes* I got a piece of dust on my cornea. I actually kind of ran out of good words to rhyme after like the second line. Wow, it's kind of late at night. I wish 1-My clothes would get done with the dryer 2- My music would finish downloading 3- I didn't have to get ready for bed. Jeez, going to sleep at night would be so much more satisfying if I didn't have to shower, brush my teeth, dry my hair, moisturize my face, finish up any homework, set my alarm clock, and lay in bed shivering till my toes adapt to the bottom of the bed. Ho-lee-cow. Oooh! There is another band trip this summer! I am so excited about it! Mein papa already gave me permission to go. This year we're going to Universal Studios, Six-Flags, ....Ellis Island...., and whatever so I'm so excited cuz last year was the shiz! Tick-tock. 92.7% and 95.0%. GRRRR! Rubbish. Agh! Speaking of that, I went and saw Harry Potter #4! Twas actually pretty good. I usually don't really like the HP movies cuz the books are SO much better, but I really wanted to find out how they put the author's imagination to graphics. They did a pretty good job of it. Of course throughout the whole movie it was pretty choppy with the storyline. I guess they had to have it like that cuz the book was freakin' long. It's killing me because I want to find out what happens in the seventh book but I'll probably have to wait two or --gasp-- even three years before the next book comes out! Agh! The agony! Tick-tock. 93.6% and 96.6%. Bla. Well, I think I'm done with all this blathering. I'm gonna pace around the room or something. 94.3 and 97.3.
A poem about my alarm clock--Die you wretched creature,Shame be upon you for the pain you have caused,Agony is your main feature,If you are silent, you will be applaused,But if you sound out with your sleep-shattering mayhem,You will surely be hit,Your foul-sounding shriek makes me say words like, ahem,Well, words like sh- -,Such a vulgar poem you may wonder?Yes, 'tis only appropriate that it should be,One day, dearest alarm clock, I will take you out into the woods and shoot you.----From my brain-----Wow, that was bee-utiful *swipes at eyes* I got a piece of dust on my cornea. I actually kind of ran out of good words to rhyme after like the second line. Wow, it's kind of late at night. I wish 1-My clothes would get done with the dryer 2- My music would finish downloading 3- I didn't have to get ready for bed. Jeez, going to sleep at night would be so much more satisfying if I didn't have to shower, brush my teeth, dry my hair, moisturize my face, finish up any homework, set my alarm clock, and lay in bed shivering till my toes adapt to the bottom of the bed. Ho-lee-cow. Oooh! There is another band trip this summer! I am so excited about it! Mein papa already gave me permission to go. This year we're going to Universal Studios, Six-Flags, ....Ellis Island...., and whatever so I'm so excited cuz last year was the shiz! Tick-tock. 92.7% and 95.0%. GRRRR! Rubbish. Agh! Speaking of that, I went and saw Harry Potter #4! Twas actually pretty good. I usually don't really like the HP movies cuz the books are SO much better, but I really wanted to find out how they put the author's imagination to graphics. They did a pretty good job of it. Of course throughout the whole movie it was pretty choppy with the storyline. I guess they had to have it like that cuz the book was freakin' long. It's killing me because I want to find out what happens in the seventh book but I'll probably have to wait two or --gasp-- even three years before the next book comes out! Agh! The agony! Tick-tock. 93.6% and 96.6%. Bla. Well, I think I'm done with all this blathering. I'm gonna pace around the room or something. 94.3 and 97.3.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Well, I have officially dropped out of both my AP classes. It's nice to be free of them. As an alternative I now have 2B and 3B as fit-for-life classes. I am a lot more comfortable this year running and working out and I don't feel as awkward. I have accomplished going the whole loop without stopping, which is quite a feat for me to have accomplished.
Braydon wants me to play catch in the halls. I am a little aprehensive about it because we were doing that once and he hit the light fixture above my head and rained glass shards all over my head. Wish me luck
Braydon wants me to play catch in the halls. I am a little aprehensive about it because we were doing that once and he hit the light fixture above my head and rained glass shards all over my head. Wish me luck
Monday, October 03, 2005
Sweet Troubled Soul
Sometimes I wonder if I am the only person on God's green earth who loves to read informative articals. I find myself saying, "I read bla bla bla" quite a bit while the other person kind of raises their eyebrow and says something like, "Really..." If there is a profession that requires a person to read articals on the computer all day and regurgitate useless facts, I would be on it like flies on a pile of fresh horse crap- or something. Anyways, I guess sitting on my bunz reading articals is better than sucking on a hot rock. **Original Dad Gubz phrase**
I long for the summer months of freedom and warm weather all the live long day. Because I wake up every morning to the **censored** beeping of my alarm clock and getting out of bed is even worse because it has been cold and dark every morning! It's the first of October and I have been reminded that people up north have been walking on frost for the past month, but that's THEIR fault if they don't like it. I live in southern utah, it's not supposed to be this cold until December! *sigh* I guess until global warming I will have to get up in the AM with my jowls flapping as I shiver and my knees knock.
So, anyways, the football game Friday was pretty banging. I don't think our team has even been behind in score any home game this season. Usually our team plows over the opposition and leaves their heads spinning and their voices cracking, but last Friday we were going against a school who was also undefeated 6-0. I thought we might lose.... but we didn't. Yay. It was great hanging out with friends and fretting about the close scores with them.
Ewww. I just looked at the calandar and next weekend is the Gubler reunion. But maybe things aren't so bad cuz I just found out that I am marching in a parade that Saturday so I may be exempted and get to stay home alone that night. Pray fervently for me.
Anyways, today I was working on my apron and I was ironing and I set the iron down on my left pointer finger, and last week I jabbed my thumb with a needle in that same class and drew blood, so I am going to see if I can fix my owie by eating some junk food or something equally delightful.
I long for the summer months of freedom and warm weather all the live long day. Because I wake up every morning to the **censored** beeping of my alarm clock and getting out of bed is even worse because it has been cold and dark every morning! It's the first of October and I have been reminded that people up north have been walking on frost for the past month, but that's THEIR fault if they don't like it. I live in southern utah, it's not supposed to be this cold until December! *sigh* I guess until global warming I will have to get up in the AM with my jowls flapping as I shiver and my knees knock.
So, anyways, the football game Friday was pretty banging. I don't think our team has even been behind in score any home game this season. Usually our team plows over the opposition and leaves their heads spinning and their voices cracking, but last Friday we were going against a school who was also undefeated 6-0. I thought we might lose.... but we didn't. Yay. It was great hanging out with friends and fretting about the close scores with them.
Ewww. I just looked at the calandar and next weekend is the Gubler reunion. But maybe things aren't so bad cuz I just found out that I am marching in a parade that Saturday so I may be exempted and get to stay home alone that night. Pray fervently for me.
Anyways, today I was working on my apron and I was ironing and I set the iron down on my left pointer finger, and last week I jabbed my thumb with a needle in that same class and drew blood, so I am going to see if I can fix my owie by eating some junk food or something equally delightful.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Here I am again
Yes. Me. Procrastinating the inevitable homework. Amazing isn't it? I guess I've been pretty busy.... although with what I can't really say... today I have been watching the six-or-so long hours of Pride and Prejudice (A&E Version) and have been drooling over Colin Firth. What a day.
I got my hair cut pretty short and I am in the process of DESPERATLY missing those long locks--even with their split ends and fried middles. Since I believe New Years is only a ceremony of making goals, and that ceremony never helps, I'm making a goal right now to take good care of my hair so it can become long and free again.
Friday was a grand day, mostly because of the football game and the extra short classes. It was pretty exhilirating getting up during half-time and performing the West Side Story themed field show. The lights were bright and the crowd was crazy. I think it was worth the hours and hours of laborious work, stiffened and calloused fingers, and the loss of sleep for those five-or-so minutes of performance. Also, it's nice to be in some sort of school organization. It gives me something fun to accomplish during the long hours of tedious school work.
Reading back on some of my blogg entries I realize that they lack sense and organization--mostly just a random splattering out of my fingers, through the keyboard and onto the screen. I don't care so much.
Anyways, I am saving my money (again) for a nice shopping trip. Since I don't have a real job, the money oozes into my greedy hands very slowly, but it adds up. I realize that I have gone through the process of saving for shopping trips often, but I always end up spending the money on other things before I get the gratification of trying on clothes and sifting through racks, so I am having my mother hold onto my money. Till January I will wear my old frocks and suffer the ill-fits until I can be gratified with the trip.
Hmm. My eyes are getting droopy and my fingers clumsy as the clock rolls to 10:08pm. It shows how low I have been slung because of this thing called "public education."
I got my hair cut pretty short and I am in the process of DESPERATLY missing those long locks--even with their split ends and fried middles. Since I believe New Years is only a ceremony of making goals, and that ceremony never helps, I'm making a goal right now to take good care of my hair so it can become long and free again.
Friday was a grand day, mostly because of the football game and the extra short classes. It was pretty exhilirating getting up during half-time and performing the West Side Story themed field show. The lights were bright and the crowd was crazy. I think it was worth the hours and hours of laborious work, stiffened and calloused fingers, and the loss of sleep for those five-or-so minutes of performance. Also, it's nice to be in some sort of school organization. It gives me something fun to accomplish during the long hours of tedious school work.
Reading back on some of my blogg entries I realize that they lack sense and organization--mostly just a random splattering out of my fingers, through the keyboard and onto the screen. I don't care so much.
Anyways, I am saving my money (again) for a nice shopping trip. Since I don't have a real job, the money oozes into my greedy hands very slowly, but it adds up. I realize that I have gone through the process of saving for shopping trips often, but I always end up spending the money on other things before I get the gratification of trying on clothes and sifting through racks, so I am having my mother hold onto my money. Till January I will wear my old frocks and suffer the ill-fits until I can be gratified with the trip.
Hmm. My eyes are getting droopy and my fingers clumsy as the clock rolls to 10:08pm. It shows how low I have been slung because of this thing called "public education."
Friday, September 02, 2005
The light at the end of the tunnel is the headlight of the oncoming train
So, yeah. School has started, so that means life has resumed its natural craziness. I thought I would see my friends all the time, but I don't really cuz I have a class in the morning which just evolves into my first hour, and then I haven't been getting to school early enough in the morning to talk to said friends even though I now have a car *rejoicies* but I like my sleep. It sucks, the whole not seeing friends. My classes are crazy, well, I guess I was crazy signing up for them. I was in a dance class, but I really wanted to get out of it, so I took honor's english again which is like the plague. Homework just keeps piling up cuz I procrastinate cuz of the block schedule and then never do what I'm supposed to. Plus, classes are so freakin long. Agh. It's hell sitting through an hour and a half of English, precaculus, spanish, ap biology, ap history, and seminary!!!!! But, anyways, this is short cuz I'm gonna take a nap or something cuz I have to get up bright and early tomorrow (:() *yawn* and I think it's gonna rain and stuff. Terminated.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it
I got Rise Against's cd, Siren Song of the Counter Culture, yesterday--amazingly en0ugh, I didn't get a good night's sleep even though it was in my stereo. But it is a beautiful cd. *Irisis turn to hearts in eyes* So, it'll be nice when school starts again so I can get on a sleep schedule. I can't believe school is starting in a couple weeks, summer has wizzed by. I can't wait to see my friends every day, although I am not looking forward to block schedule, and I won't get to sleep in the extra half hour either cuz I have an early-morning class. Also I have to learn to drive a stick shift (my dad's jeep) so I can drive to school. But, I might be coming into another Dodge Aries.. a little newer than Gwen was. It's an ugly car though, but it's a car. It was my cousins, but she got a powder-blue jeep so she doesn't need it anymore, so it was offered to me.
Also, I have been busy re-doing my room and painting. I'm tired of the smell of fresh paint, the scrubbing of paint brushes and rollers, digging paint out of my fingernails and ALL that jazz. I got some paint in my hangnail so now it's infected.... On a happier note, my neice's cat, Princess, had kittens. She is a small cat and her stomach was like the same size as the rest of her. After she had had them, noone could find the babies for two days and thought she had abandoned them or they were dead-sad. But Liam found them in the back of my sister's van. Thankfully it was rainy and not dry heat these past few days. But, anyways.... eh.... I went school shopping yesterday. Shopping is the spice of life I do declare. Although I had to buy another hair straightener cuz mine gave out. The little chicken shit. That thing cost fourty bucks and it died so suddenly.
Well, I have nothing left to say except I have been living in filth the last week! My clothes are piled in the corner and on top of my keyboard. All the contents of my closet are scattered about my room and there are peices of splintered wood. Blaha. I'm going now.... truly....
Me in the dressing room...
I love the Wayan brothers *heart*
Also, I have been busy re-doing my room and painting. I'm tired of the smell of fresh paint, the scrubbing of paint brushes and rollers, digging paint out of my fingernails and ALL that jazz. I got some paint in my hangnail so now it's infected.... On a happier note, my neice's cat, Princess, had kittens. She is a small cat and her stomach was like the same size as the rest of her. After she had had them, noone could find the babies for two days and thought she had abandoned them or they were dead-sad. But Liam found them in the back of my sister's van. Thankfully it was rainy and not dry heat these past few days. But, anyways.... eh.... I went school shopping yesterday. Shopping is the spice of life I do declare. Although I had to buy another hair straightener cuz mine gave out. The little chicken shit. That thing cost fourty bucks and it died so suddenly.
Well, I have nothing left to say except I have been living in filth the last week! My clothes are piled in the corner and on top of my keyboard. All the contents of my closet are scattered about my room and there are peices of splintered wood. Blaha. I'm going now.... truly....
Me in the dressing room...
I love the Wayan brothers *heart*
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Ahhh. Life has been treating me better these past days. I've been busy working for money for school clothes this year--I have to buy my own since I'm gonna be a junior, which sucks cuz it's gonna empty my pockets quite a bit. Anyways, I went to Lagoon last week, which was pretty fun. Me and Braydon were going on the ride across the park (which freaks me out anyways) and we were both kinda petrified... then it stopped! Gaaa. Did it stop over a nice tree? No. Of course not, it's my misfortune. It stopped right in the middle over the cement. I froze. The stupid yellow cart thing bounced from the sudden stop and I was cussing quite the blue-string. Fred Durst would have been shocked. I was freaked out- it was probably the scariest ride I went on. FYI-- the new ride "the bat" was lame. It bounces your head back and forth so you have to force it to stay still. It's short and it's lame. Save yourself. Anyways, I got to see my hot cousins at the reunion, which was very dull cuz its mostly old people and young kids.
Three days ago, I was just hanging around, nothing too important to do, and my oldest brother, Adam, appeared needing to use the van to go to the mall. He offered to take me cuz he needed to buy a whole new Sunday outfit cuz he was blessing his new baby, Caleb Douglas. So, I went and had a blast. He even modeled the outfits he was trying on for me. When he bought his Kenneth Cole shoes (120$) I about fainted, but he was pleased. The next day he looked smashing and I pride myself on being somewhat of the cause of that. So, if a person has money burning holes in their pockets, I'm available to help you spend it!
Also, I have persuaded my dad to redo my closet--put shelves in it, add an extra bar to hang clothes, etc. So, I have had mondo fun choosing what I want and stuff.
I have also discovered a new band who I absolutly LOVE. The name is... Rise Against. I will not have a decent night's sleep until I have that cd in my stereo.
A couple weeks ago, when I was at the doctor's, he listened to my lungs and said they sounded like an old person's lungs- something about the air sacs not staying open or something. That scared me cuz he had me do an X-ray and stuff. Thankfully it wasn't too serious, but those 15 or so minutes I was waiting for him to look at the X-rays were SO scary. So I have devised a running program to get my lungs to their best. I will need all the luck I can get to keep it up. But, afterwords, we were in his office and I started coughing and I couldn't stop. Gag. That sucked cuz I was almost vomiting and there was nothing I could do about it. So, the Doc. and my mom just watched me while I tried to get myself under control, with tears squeezing out my eyes from the exertion.
Anyways, my sister-in-law, Sabra just left with my nephew, Kael. She's pregnant again! I'm happy cuz Kael is the cutest little kid. He calls me Docie. Sabra also promised me a pair of pants she got off Ebay that usually cost like 200$, but she got for 30$ cuz the girl said they were "last season". I'm freakin' happy about life now. I have estimated how much it's gonna cost me to buy my own school everything and it's gonna cost a pretty penny.
Anyways, I'm going to go nap or something cuz tonight I'm going to Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat musical at Tuicaun--or however you spell it.
I thought this pic was pretty cool. So it's now on my blog.
Three days ago, I was just hanging around, nothing too important to do, and my oldest brother, Adam, appeared needing to use the van to go to the mall. He offered to take me cuz he needed to buy a whole new Sunday outfit cuz he was blessing his new baby, Caleb Douglas. So, I went and had a blast. He even modeled the outfits he was trying on for me. When he bought his Kenneth Cole shoes (120$) I about fainted, but he was pleased. The next day he looked smashing and I pride myself on being somewhat of the cause of that. So, if a person has money burning holes in their pockets, I'm available to help you spend it!
Also, I have persuaded my dad to redo my closet--put shelves in it, add an extra bar to hang clothes, etc. So, I have had mondo fun choosing what I want and stuff.
I have also discovered a new band who I absolutly LOVE. The name is... Rise Against. I will not have a decent night's sleep until I have that cd in my stereo.
A couple weeks ago, when I was at the doctor's, he listened to my lungs and said they sounded like an old person's lungs- something about the air sacs not staying open or something. That scared me cuz he had me do an X-ray and stuff. Thankfully it wasn't too serious, but those 15 or so minutes I was waiting for him to look at the X-rays were SO scary. So I have devised a running program to get my lungs to their best. I will need all the luck I can get to keep it up. But, afterwords, we were in his office and I started coughing and I couldn't stop. Gag. That sucked cuz I was almost vomiting and there was nothing I could do about it. So, the Doc. and my mom just watched me while I tried to get myself under control, with tears squeezing out my eyes from the exertion.
Anyways, my sister-in-law, Sabra just left with my nephew, Kael. She's pregnant again! I'm happy cuz Kael is the cutest little kid. He calls me Docie. Sabra also promised me a pair of pants she got off Ebay that usually cost like 200$, but she got for 30$ cuz the girl said they were "last season". I'm freakin' happy about life now. I have estimated how much it's gonna cost me to buy my own school everything and it's gonna cost a pretty penny.
Anyways, I'm going to go nap or something cuz tonight I'm going to Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat musical at Tuicaun--or however you spell it.
I thought this pic was pretty cool. So it's now on my blog.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Today I got up at nine-thirty and promptly went and sat in front of the "boob-tube" (appropriate since I am currently watching the ten/eleven hour marathon of "America's Next Top Model") Yes, it has been a direly dreary drabby day for me. I have a major fever and have since Saturday--rising from 100 to 103.4. I can't say it hasn't worked entirely against me though, I have been getting sympathy serving from Mom and even my little brother.
Anyways, I went to Disneyland for the first time and lurved it. I still think I like Lagoon better. But, dude! That Walt Disney guy sure knew his stuff when it comes to dazzling people. I still wonder if he really was frozen under the castle when he died.
Me and Mom went to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants on Friday. Ho-lee-cow! I am in love with that movie. It goes on my top list of favorite chick-flicks. It didn't hurt that Costas was totally a babe. Grrrowl. But, the movie, it was totally good, tearworthy, and just... awesome.
Bla, I'm already bored... you'd think that someone who hadn't really moved from one position for... all day.... wouldn't be so flighty and bored as easily as I am. Oh. Kesse just got eliminated. That's good. Bla. No more. Truly. I don't even have a picture for this entry.
Anyways, I went to Disneyland for the first time and lurved it. I still think I like Lagoon better. But, dude! That Walt Disney guy sure knew his stuff when it comes to dazzling people. I still wonder if he really was frozen under the castle when he died.
Me and Mom went to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants on Friday. Ho-lee-cow! I am in love with that movie. It goes on my top list of favorite chick-flicks. It didn't hurt that Costas was totally a babe. Grrrowl. But, the movie, it was totally good, tearworthy, and just... awesome.
Bla, I'm already bored... you'd think that someone who hadn't really moved from one position for... all day.... wouldn't be so flighty and bored as easily as I am. Oh. Kesse just got eliminated. That's good. Bla. No more. Truly. I don't even have a picture for this entry.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
I have a mind like a steel trap; it is rusty and illegal in 47 states
Holy crap. Terryn (my eight-year-old nephew) is a strange-un. For dinner we had KFC and all he wanted was chicken.... but did he eat the chicken???! No. He picked off the skin and meat and ate the bones! Gag me with a spoon. Bla.
Anyways, I am into summer 2 freakin' days and am already bored out of my skull! Grah. Thank goodness for friends who will pick you out of the miserable boredness you are currently wallowing in and try to brush some sanity back onto you. It doesn't always work though. Next week I'm going to California for a few days, so that will ease some of the burden off my weary shoulders. I hope I don't get sunburned again. After going to Sand Hollow on Tuesday I am still picking off bits of skin from my nose and between my eyes (yes, gross) and still trying vainly to restore my normal paleness.
I'm also tasting the bittersweetness of growing up. I'm going to be a junior next year, only one year away from being a senior. I loved being a freshman (believe it or not) and seriously loved being a sophmore.... change is a hard pill to swallow. It makes one wonder what they (meaning me) am going to do when they get out of high school. I want to be a physical therapist..... but I also don't. I don't want to be anything but a high school student mooching off their parentals because I know I can pull that off.
But, these summer months have caused me to develope a strong movie-watching skill. I discovered that I can go to the library and check out movies. That is a wonderful thing. I have grown fond of the old movies. My favorite being Pride and Prejudice with Sir. Laurence Olivier (he was cute! too bad he's dead). Robin saw that I had watched it and promply dug out her version of Pride and Prejudice from her moving pile. Its...six movies long. Wow. I haven't seen such a group since V.
Anyways, I was chatting with Kyle J-- but the little turd seems to have left the area. So I'll leave and exercise my skill (movie watching) with Finding Neverland. Always remember: Humpty-Dumpty was pushed!
Some Last-day-of-school pic. (more posted later)
Newly crowned juniors

The Happy Camper Creepy Guy

Malissa looking snazzy(with wraith-like creature)


Me before I was fried

Jeff not knowing he has a stain on his shirt


Scott (Malissa's newest project) looking forward to his picture being taken

Melissa posing

Forgive the HUGE pictures.... that's my camera.... maybe I will fix them later.... not now.
Anyways, I am into summer 2 freakin' days and am already bored out of my skull! Grah. Thank goodness for friends who will pick you out of the miserable boredness you are currently wallowing in and try to brush some sanity back onto you. It doesn't always work though. Next week I'm going to California for a few days, so that will ease some of the burden off my weary shoulders. I hope I don't get sunburned again. After going to Sand Hollow on Tuesday I am still picking off bits of skin from my nose and between my eyes (yes, gross) and still trying vainly to restore my normal paleness.
I'm also tasting the bittersweetness of growing up. I'm going to be a junior next year, only one year away from being a senior. I loved being a freshman (believe it or not) and seriously loved being a sophmore.... change is a hard pill to swallow. It makes one wonder what they (meaning me) am going to do when they get out of high school. I want to be a physical therapist..... but I also don't. I don't want to be anything but a high school student mooching off their parentals because I know I can pull that off.
But, these summer months have caused me to develope a strong movie-watching skill. I discovered that I can go to the library and check out movies. That is a wonderful thing. I have grown fond of the old movies. My favorite being Pride and Prejudice with Sir. Laurence Olivier (he was cute! too bad he's dead). Robin saw that I had watched it and promply dug out her version of Pride and Prejudice from her moving pile. Its...six movies long. Wow. I haven't seen such a group since V.
Anyways, I was chatting with Kyle J-- but the little turd seems to have left the area. So I'll leave and exercise my skill (movie watching) with Finding Neverland. Always remember: Humpty-Dumpty was pushed!
Some Last-day-of-school pic. (more posted later)
Newly crowned juniors
The Happy Camper Creepy Guy
Malissa looking snazzy(with wraith-like creature)
Me before I was fried
Jeff not knowing he has a stain on his shirt
Scott (Malissa's newest project) looking forward to his picture being taken
Melissa posing
Forgive the HUGE pictures.... that's my camera.... maybe I will fix them later.... not now.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I'm insured by the mafia. You hit me--- we'll hit you.
Yayayay!!! I have passed my driving test. I know it wasn't supposed to be anything too deathly hard, but, being me, I was worried. So, tomorrow me and Dad are going to the DMV and getting my freakin' license!!! Gaaaaa!!!! It's nice to know that I don't have any more sessions of driving with Adamson to look forward to. Look out world. Heheh. No, seriously, look out.
I'm so frickin' NOT pissed!
I'm so frickin' NOT pissed!
Thursday, January 13, 2005
The Chronicles of Jocelyn and Gubler
I have figured out that out of all seven of my classes I only like 4 of them. I guess that's not bad, but two of those classes I'm not too sure about the liking process. Anyways, I dipped into my 16th birthday fund and now only have like ten dollars. It wasn't my fault! Nicole called and was like "Hey, I'm going to St. George- wanna come?" Of course I melted. How can I resist a shopping trip? It's like chocolate- irresistable. When I got there it was heaven! Nearly everything on clearance because of after Christmas. I already have plans to go shopping next year at that time.
Anyways, today in English, I proved my 'un-honorism' by not bringing my essay we have been working on for the past months. So, in forth hour, I went to the computer lab to print it off and found out that the disk was being a poo-head and was screwed up. I wanted to cry... not really- I was just majorly pissed. Thankfully it works on my computer, so tomorrow I'm gonna have to get on my hands and knees and beg Ms. May for forgivness.
But, yesterday was a water day- kind of like a snow-day, but only with water. I doubt a snow day will ever happen here- and I'm fine with that cuz snow just sucks. Its just so cold and miserable. I am a summer personage because you can never go wrong with summer. :) P.s.- I love Papa Roach's new song 'Getting away with murder'!!! It makes me smile!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!! And of course Savior by Skillet. (we don't want any songs to get their feelings hurt now).
Heh- don't put cats on your head. **Notice it's a guy in the picture**
Anyways, today in English, I proved my 'un-honorism' by not bringing my essay we have been working on for the past months. So, in forth hour, I went to the computer lab to print it off and found out that the disk was being a poo-head and was screwed up. I wanted to cry... not really- I was just majorly pissed. Thankfully it works on my computer, so tomorrow I'm gonna have to get on my hands and knees and beg Ms. May for forgivness.
But, yesterday was a water day- kind of like a snow-day, but only with water. I doubt a snow day will ever happen here- and I'm fine with that cuz snow just sucks. Its just so cold and miserable. I am a summer personage because you can never go wrong with summer. :) P.s.- I love Papa Roach's new song 'Getting away with murder'!!! It makes me smile!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!! And of course Savior by Skillet. (we don't want any songs to get their feelings hurt now).
Heh- don't put cats on your head. **Notice it's a guy in the picture**
Monday, January 03, 2005
Una notte e forse mai piu
NO MORE FIT FOR LIFE! Ever! I believe in miracles! Yes'm. I think the fumes from my spray paint spree and my horrible hair dye are finally getting to me. Damon and Sabra, my dearest brother and sis-in-law have just sent their X-mas presents. I got two wonderfully hot charms for my bracelet- Orlando Bloom enriched charms actually. Well.... its been a while since I have posted, so I will tell of my Christmas vacation. Actually, it kinda sucked cuz I was just getting a cold so I couldn't really do anything during my recovery. I am now incredibly sick of Garlic and this alcaholic indian herbal medicine that tastes like rotten peas. Anyways, being the ball of sunshine that I am, I will change the subject off my miserable, obnoxious, rotten, pitiful, crappy, stupid virus.
I got a sterio system for my wonderful car. I also named my wonderful car Gwen because I felt like it. My little car is a 1982 Dodge Aries four door sedan that only had an a.m. radio, so you see my strife. I guess it was kinda fun trying to sing along to the jazzy christmas songs, but I prefer my new Firehouse cd to Jingle Bells sung 50 different ways.
Oh goodun'z. I love Adam Sandler, but I extracted his cd "What the hell happened to me" onto the computer..... and...... lets just say its not one a person should listen to in front of their mother. Its actually quite a funny cd though. I love "The adventures of the cow" and "Joining the cult" off the cd.
Gaaa.... this blabbering on is somewhat a stress reducer but probably doesn't make a whole lotta sense.
Also, I just added some picz onto my photobucket album. Hrmm.... I don't know how to share it.... I know hottie ***** shared his on his myspace thingie. Too tired to make a lotta sense, to lazy to get my arse off the computer.
I got a sterio system for my wonderful car. I also named my wonderful car Gwen because I felt like it. My little car is a 1982 Dodge Aries four door sedan that only had an a.m. radio, so you see my strife. I guess it was kinda fun trying to sing along to the jazzy christmas songs, but I prefer my new Firehouse cd to Jingle Bells sung 50 different ways.
Oh goodun'z. I love Adam Sandler, but I extracted his cd "What the hell happened to me" onto the computer..... and...... lets just say its not one a person should listen to in front of their mother. Its actually quite a funny cd though. I love "The adventures of the cow" and "Joining the cult" off the cd.
Gaaa.... this blabbering on is somewhat a stress reducer but probably doesn't make a whole lotta sense.
Also, I just added some picz onto my photobucket album. Hrmm.... I don't know how to share it.... I know hottie ***** shared his on his myspace thingie. Too tired to make a lotta sense, to lazy to get my arse off the computer.
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