Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Phone Dump

So I've had this post filled with pictures in my drafts forever. These are cop-out posts so I don't know why it's been plaguing me to write this. The cell phone dump post. The first shot is put in specifically for my dearest Adam. Perhaps I should make a post specifically of pictures of Blake in my clothes. I'm sure I could find some that haven't made it to this blog. 

This is the way Blake has eaten his sandwiches lately. Apparently he likes his food pretty. My favorite part is the string cheese strategically placed on each half.

The pic below is just because he's cute with a fresh haircut. And I love his sour face. I know I'm bad when it comes to blog PDA. But can ya blame me?? My mumsy once told me, "So-and-so aren't as lovey-dove as SOME couples are." Me and the Blake being the "some" couple. Hehe.

This needs no words really. Except the disclaimer that it is unique and NONE match it. NONE!! SO I DON'T WANNA SEE THEM!!!!!

This is when I saw my baby bro in October. He is now in New York!! Waaaaahhhh! I can't believe he is so grown up.

While I was down I actually ate a hamburger. Two actually. I got greedy and ordered another one before I was finished with the first one. I felt like I had stomach rot afterwards.

I tried taking some brighter pics with Braydon while I was down, but I was smiling weird-trying to get my thin little bird lips to look a little plumper, so I look a little drunk, and we have a good up-the-nose shot of my baby brother.

I used my curlers that I ordered aeons ago.

Loved the results. And have never used them again. Ha.

I made fried green tomatoes after watching the movie Fried Green Tomatoes. I found them... tolerable.

I drew this picture of Blake zoning out playing his Xbox. He later added my words. This is our life.

My sista knitted me this amaz-za-zing infinity scarf. Scarves are the ONE thing I like about winter.

This picture below makes me laugh EVERY time I see it. This is what he does when he gets cold, wraps himself completely in my throw. Blake says those hearts of love were stitched by my mother for him. He is wrong! Right, Mom? You love ME best??

Poor cold face.

This was my day-after-Thanksgiving outfit. We went to Best Buy and stood in line forever to buy some Dr Dre Beats headphones. When we got to the register I realized I could buy them from Amazon for *cough* no tax. So we bought the hot fries I had picked up from standing in the line instead.

Our day-after-Thanksgiving cyber sales included these A7X tees. I had to beg Blake to let me copy him. But we all know he secretly enjoys matching his wifey. It reminds him of our first date to Sadies.

We (Blake) hung up our Christmas lights on our patio. It was very festive.

When my headphones arrived (a Christmas present), we stared at the box and then each other and immediately decided we like instant gratification more. So we opened all the Christmas packages as they came. We both enjoyed my headphones.

And this is my sauerkraut as it got all packed and ready to ferment. I had such hopes.

And, lastly, I had to end my post like I started it. With Blake's and my tribute to Adam. Hint: Those aren't mickey mouse ears!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Our week in review

This is what the last weekish has looked like:

1 Blake bit into a baby carrot and found a ROCK inside. Mere days later I felt my back molar and found a chunk missing. I don't know how Blake did it. He showed his coworkers a picture and they suggested I fix it with superglue (but I think I must have swallowed the missing piece) or I file it down to make my tooth even (good idea, those three years aligning my bite with braces don't matter). There exclamation that they love to use is, "Goooooo!" I don't even know.

2 I also heard the voice Blake uses when he tells people what I say. I think it was an accident on his part, but now he's been caught. It's high-pitched and kinda ditzy voice. Ex-squeeze me?? He knows he's in trouble. Alas I have trouble executing his punishments. He has a way of worming his way out of trouble. Dernnit. 

3 The giant jar of sauerkraut I fermented for a month, making our apartment smell like there was a pile of vomit hidden somewhere under the couch, was harvested and put in the fridge after much dry-heaving at the smell. I finally got brave enough to try some only to find strange white sludge growing all over it. 8 jars of 'kraut going down the sink. On the same day I tasted some pickled cherries I bottled and again dry-heaved into the sink and had to dump all 7 bottles into the trash. It was a painful day for simple living.

4 Blake went to his first physical therapy appointment where he actually physical-ed his therapy. He brought home this wonderful foam roller with the instructions to roll on it for thirty seconds six times every day. It's wonderful. I had wanted a rumble roller a few moons back and am immensely glad I never bought one. I believe the rumbles would have made me jump out of my skin. Blake is doing physical therapy for his shoulder which pops and hurts when he moves it certain ways. His therapist thinks he has tendonitis and a kitten arm. Ok, it's me that thinks it's a kitten arm, haha. So that's what he's doing two times a week for a month. 

5 We found a wonderful Mediterranean cafe that, if I were so inclined, I could WALK to! I've always felt lost on those days when I'm carless and hankering for a falafel sandwich. No more! The first time we went I sat down hard in a booth and the cushiony board part slid out and suddenly I was about eye-level with the table. Blake was the only witness to my shame. When we went there again *ahemtwodayslaterahem* I learned from my mistake and sat in another booth. Obviously my brain does not fit the voice Blake has made for me...

6 We fell off the P90X wagon. Ok, that was more than this week ago. We were doing excellent and were sore 99.9% of our lives for that time. And then it just… stopped. Blake got the bathroom ills and I have a hard time working out if I know Blake isn't going to feel the pain also later that day. So we're starting up again. Perhaps after I recover from my broken tooth.

7 We paid off our car. Now that it's ours we don't know what to do with it. Lower the insurance? Do we dare? Get a title with our names on it? That would require walking to the mailbox in the freezing air and filling out phantom forms. So right now we feel a bit like we did when we had to buy it with Blake's daddy's co-signing. Like naive kiddos. 

8 And finally, I finished my duvet I started approximately a year ago. I am very pleased with myself and find myself running my hands over it at night before I fall asleep. As I was putting it onto our white comforter I noticed the side that goes close to our faces and cringed. It's almost orange. I never wear makeup to bed and Blake only does occasionally so I have no idea how it turned this color. 

The thing that gets me through all this is knowing my husband is very cute. It pleases me and makes all the strange things pale in comparison. 

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Messin' Around

I whipped out the ol' Canon and took some actual pictures today. Ones that weren't taken with a cellphone! It's amazing! I invited Blake along and he said it was his favorite kind of photoshoot--one in PJ's that stays on the bed!
