The Blake had his 22nd birthday. For his dinner he chose ribs. I admit, I did tell him to smear a little sauce on his face for the picture and he enjoyed doing that immensely. Tastes better if you eat like a pig. Especially if you're eating a pig. Ew.
He had molten chocolate cake and ice cream for dessert and licked his plate clean. He was a happy Blake.
We had been walking around Best Buy when we saw this amazing keyboard. Dragging ourselves away, we went home and researched it and decided it was a good deal. A few days later Blake pestered me to go pick it up... even though it was his birthday... and the keyboard was more for me. What a sweet goon. So we got it and Blake lugged it up the stairs, and now we have an amazing keyboard. Blake has yet to tickle the keys, but we are gonna change that. Eventually.
We also popped over to Utah for a couple weeks. Popped, as in, my back. We made it all the way to Flagstaff the first day and stopped at a Little America hotel. The next day we went on a walk on their nature trail and ate a delicious breakfast. A breakfast so delicious I decided I wasn't vegan anymore haha. The trip was pretty great. We picked cherries and I bottled a bunch of them. We ate at In n Out a million times. Got new phones. It was fabulous. And, of course, got to see family. That's always a perk.
Below is Blake in Utah. We haven't decided if he is more appealing in Utah air or Oklahoma air.

The trip back to OK was gorgeous... after we got through most of the trip. As usual we had to stop about a million times to let Blake empty his pea-sized bladder because he drank too much. But that's a rant for another day. :)
After hours and hours and another hotel room later, we were about 100 miles from home. And then it got a little darker in the sky and then it started raining. And the sky got black. And there was a funnel-shaped cloud to our right. And Jocelyn started freaking out. And Blake insisted on not pulling over. Even though he couldn't see ANYTHING.
And Jocelyn was sure we were going to die. And was irritated that cell phone pics were not clearly illustrating the direness of the situation. Anyways, after much gnashing of teeth, we made it through that horrible storm and it washed all of Arizona's bug splat off our car. Silver lining.
During the storm, Blake had to pee. Of course. Since there was no way we were going to stop (him) because we would get sucked up in a tornado (me), we got a water bottle and, well, it was taken care of. I made him stop at the dumpster and get rid of it before we got home.
We got home and it was sunny and beautiful. We opened the door to our apartment and Rufus was there waiting for us. He didn't even poop on the carpet! What a good doggie! Right after this picture was taken, however, jealous McBlake promptly stood up and kicked poor Ruffy across the room! I had to hit him in the nose with a magazine.
That night we ate random food that we found in our freezer. I was just happy to eat my orange chikin that I had been craving the whole trip.
Fast forward several weeks later, we finished off our first jar of jam. I went to open a new jar and found MOLD. Every single jar of jam had mold in it. Thankfully the pickled cherries and the pie cherries sealed properly, but... waaaaaaaah!
A couple weeks later Blake ordered himself a new game. It was scheduled to arrive while he was at work and he pestered me into sending him a picture of it when it got there. It arrived and I felt like Blake needed a little excitement in his life. So I found an old cd and broke it and sent him this picture. He was a sad Blake. And a little rant-y. I didn't torture him for too long though, and I told him the truth.
Perhaps it was because of this that Blake decided to leave the country. I just don't know. His sergeant told him he would leave on August 26th to do a tail swap in the UAE. Stopping in Spain and Greece and Maine! What a lucky punk! Well, a weekish later, Blake sent me a text saying that his sergeant had been a little dense (that is what I was thinking) and he wasn't leaving the next month, he was leaving in two days! We packed him full of snacks and I begrudgingly took him to the base.
I enjoyed being a bachelorette for that week. I had many meals like the one below. Chick food.
I took this picture the day before Blake left so if I were on the couch I could look through my phone screen and see Blake peeping at me. How tender. I didn't actually do this, but I knew I could.
Blake sent me several pictures... but I can't find them in my email. Needless to say, Chanai Greece, where he spent most of his time, was GORGEOUS! I was very green with envy. He did bring me home a fancy scarf and a dress so I guess things were good between us. :)
I spent several full days canning tomato juice, salsa, crushed tomatoes, and some more jam. I spent so many hours on my feet I got several charlie horses. But hearing the popping of sealing jars was worth it.
Other than those two bigger events, life has been full of our usual things. Like eating delicious treats.
Below is our peanut butter chocolate crunch banana "nice"cream cookie treat we can't get enough of. Words. Cannot. Describe. The. Deliciousness.
I made a lovely kale salad with some chikin for my lunch one day. It was so much chewing that the next two days I had muscle fatigue in my jaw. It was nuts.
We did the Insanity workout together. It wasn't as awkward as I was imagining. But after we were done, Blake melted into this sweaty puddle on the floor. Poor guy. He was pretty pathetic the rest of the night.
Me, being sexy, whitening my teeth with activated charcoal.
Blake made a cake. I don't know if it was because he made it so it didn't stay on my radar, or what... but I turned on the oven and *sniffle* melted the lid onto it! I was so very sad! We were able to save Blake's cake and he ate a little more... until I decided to make zucchini chips... and his cake got baked for a third time.
I grew a beard, which Blake was thrilled with/majorly jealous of.
And if you ever wonder if I exaggerate Blake's licking/being pestyness, the below picture proves it is no exaggeration. I was sitting at the desk, writing down recipes, and he kept sucking and licking on my toes! After I had been outside in Toms! Ick! And then he forced kisses on me with his toe mouth.
And I just had to take a picture of the booty that I see every time he gets into bed before me. He'll be reading in that position every time.
And finally, for you're viewing pleasure, a typical day at home with Blake. In my pink skinny jeans.
What a stud.