So two years and some change ago, the gorgeous man that I am married to proposed. It was a very happy day, if not entirely unexpected. I realized I haven't written about it and so I am going to so as not to lose the memory.
I was recovering from the swine flue phenomenon. I was on the tail end of things, enough that Blake was not obligated to come to ME to visit. So he convinced me to hang out at his house that evening. I bundled up in my ugly coat, with toilet paper and cough drops crammed in my pockets. I took a cold pill and sniffled any liquid I could out of my head--I didn't want my boyfriend to catch me with frozen snot under my nose. I went over to his house and he practically begged me to go on a walk. (A fact about mine and the Blake's relationship: I have to beg HIM to walk with me.) Hmmmm.... I consented and we went wandering into the freezing evening air. I babbled on about how I had gone to the store and seen an old friend working there, and as I was checking out, I asked for some Malboro Lights to freak her out. This did not elicit the response I would have liked from the Blake. He was pretty much silent the entire walk. Awkward! We got to his porch and I made a beeline for the heated indoors, but Blake got to me first. He put his arms around me and put his forehead against mine. His first words were, "You know I love you right?" I was quite frozen at that moment. He then gave me a very sweet speech about how he loved being with me and wanted to share more firsts with me and talked about the good times we've had together. Then, to add the Blake flare to things, he said, "And that begs the question" here he popped onto one knee and fabulously opened the ring box, "Will you marry me?" I was dazzled by Blake's flare, and the shiny thing blinding my eyes. Oh, I still managed to squeal an hop a little to add some Jocelyn flare to the situation of course. Apparently I said yes, because I'm supposedly married right now or something. :)
I went home and showed off my new bling to my fantastic familia... and it seems that all my siblings materialized for the reveal of my engagement ring. Things are a bit fuzzy because of the newly-engaged haze I was walking in.

The next day was my baby bro's birthday. To celebrate we went to Golden Corral. Braydon also invited his future brother-in-law to his celebratory dinn-dinn. It used to be that Golden Corral would give you a basket of rolls for your table, but they had recently changed this so you could get as many as you wanted at the bar. We all went and filled up our plates with delicious food and sat back at the table. Dad has a roll-tooth next to his sweet-tooth and had gotten a plate full of just rolls. Blake, apparently also still in the newly-engaged haze, took a couple rolls off my dad's second plate. The other three of us kind of went quiet when we saw this, but my family, being kind, decided to ignore Blake's thievery. I am not so kind. I leaned over and hissed at Blake, "You stole rolls from my dad's plate!" I could practically feel the discomfort and shock radiating from Blake's skin. Bwahahaha!!! I don't remember if Blake even said anything about it, but when he went to get seconds, he came back with a fresh plate full of rolls. While he was gone, I remember catching my mom's eye and we both knew this would be something that would require a lot of laughter when we were not in public. Way to initiate yourself into the Gubler family, Blake. My dad, being a man of greatness and taking-the-high-road-ness, forgave him.