McBlakerson and I headed to Dallas and Arlington last weekend to celebrate our last few days as daywalkers. Our first (and most important) stop was to Dallas' new In n Out Burger. We had to drive perhaps an hour out of our way and then waited in the drive through line for perhaps half an hour but it was all worth it when I sunk my teeth into my grilled cheeses and fries. Yummy! Blake kept praying for red lights (as he insisted on continuing our journey as we ate) so he could take bites of his double-double animal style. I fed him fries the whole way to the hotel. Oh how we had missed that delightful burger joint!! We moaned and groaned the entire time we were eating and quiet tears fell down Blake's cheeks as he chewed.

After we stopped at our hotel and dropped off our shiznit we headed out and bumped into my girl Sarah Jessica Parker!! She was chillin' with Julia Roberts so that was pretty cool too!

And the three stooges let us take pictures in front of us. Right afterwards one of them clunked Blake on his head and we went on. :)

Ahhh, and then Johhhhhny! Notice Blake's puss? Well it was because Johnny got a little fresh with me and...

He asked for my hand. He's just such an old-fashioned kinda guy. Apart from the fact that he was kinda being a homewrecker with Blake standing right there and all. I was planning my celeb wedding when, as with the stooges, Blake dragged me away.

And we of course ran into Opera. She's just got her fingers in every kind of venture nowadays. I was pleased she could give me a little advice. She told me to forget Johnny because Blake seemed like the type of guy I could be happy with forever. I think she just wanted a piece of Depp because I spotted them giving each other googley eyes a few minutes later. Poor Gayle.

Blake's teen idol was there too. Dr. Phil. He doesn't actually speak English. It's some kind of gibberish in real life. Thank goodness for good 'ol TV editing!

Things got a little hairy when we ran into Toto's friend. I can't remember his name. Neither does Blake. I guess his kisses just blew us away. We took turns because if we would have kissed him at the same time that would have been a little obscene! ...and kinky...

Ran into the other Johnny. Cash, that is. We didn't stay long with him because we were irritated we couldn't wash our hands because he had torn the sinks out of the wall. But I stopped for a picture so my Padre could be jealous. =D

We saw Ghandi there. He was holding his stick, looking just as skinny as it. Somehow Blake beat him in waist size though!

Then I ran into Hannibal. What a genuine guy! "Hello Jocelyn" was all he said, but that's all he needed to.

Since we were in Texas we stopped at the Texas Massacre's guy's house for dinner. He only fed us a salad and some expertly chopped veggies.
We went to the Ripley's Believe it or Not museum and saw some pretty cool stuff. Like this Abraham Lincoln log house made entirely of pennies and this genuine vampire-killing kit. I was too entranced with everything else to remember pictures.

We left the museum and gps'ed a mall. The freeways were COMPLETELY congested so Blake decided he knew the way better than Moses, our GPS. *Sigh* He ended up taking us to the slums of the USA. I had to keep checking that the car door was locked and praying we wouldn't get a flat tire. After passing our second topless joint I gave him the Gubler Glare and he listened to Moses and got us to an outdoor mall. We wandered around and didn't. buy. anything!! It was nuts! We did go to PF Changs because Blake was giving me the googly-eyes and flashing his dimples. Darn those dimples. I have been a vegetarian for some years now and it was the first time I had tofu. Not impressed. Like tough chicken. I ended up eating most of Blake's fried rice. Blake was happy though so it was a good night.
We went back to our hotel for the night. It was the worst night spent in a hotel for either of us. And that includes me sleeping by myself when I went to see Blake's graduation from basic (I spent those nights jumpy and nervous that someone would peek in my window). We were stuffed in a queen bed that might as well have been a twin with the heat that constantly radiates from Blake's body. We spent the night listening to one of our neighbors slamming their door (which sounded like someone banging on our door) shut every few minutes. Even half-asleep I couldn't help but think of Vacancy and the couple being terrorized before they were murdered. Eeug! Finally, before we had figured out it was doors slamming, I was woken up again by the slamming noise and I flew out of bed and ran out in the hall with my crazy-eyes and pjs. I don't know what I would have done if I had found the door-slammer, but I was ready to konk some heads and poke some eyeballs.
We got up the next morning bright and early because Blake had turned off his internal heater and we woke up freezing and shivering. We ate leftover PF Chang's and checked out of the hotel, glaring at every guest we saw in case they were the door slammers. I'm sure wherever they were they felt the shame I willed upon them.

When we got to Six Flags the next day we were immediately sweltering in the heat. Holy. Moly. Probably not the best idea to go to Six Flags in Texas during the hottest month of the year. I gulped down water until my belly was swollen and I would stand under the outdoor showers longer than the children even. I would step out of them completely drenched and would be dry a few minutes later. Blake looked embarassed every time I stepped into those showers but I didn't care. Even though it washed away all my makeup and made me look like a loon I was happy!

Blake had to get his token crazy-horse picture on the merry-go-round. He was very pleased with himself afterwards. I think those are his favorite pictures ever.

And then we hopped onto the tower that overlooks all of Six Flags. It was my scariest ride. I can be hurled back and forth on a 400 foot tall coaster but slowly going up an elevator with glass walls caused me to almost pee myself. I just cuddled up to Blake and buried my head in his neck. I'm a child what can I say. We got up and took a few pics but I made us go back down because I know that tower was gonna be blown over by the wind at any minute. So, Blake, I saved your life. Remember that.
Blake won me a puppy when we got onto the ground again. I am pleased as punch. His name is Rufus and he makes our family complete! We took him on our final roller coaster and Blake sat on his head. Poor Rufus! Their relationship is currently a little strained right now because of it. Plus Blake is like the old cat when a couple brings home a new baby. He lashes out at Rufus because of all the attention I give him. Poor little Roofie!! I hope I don't have to start putting Blake on the patio when Rufus is out.

Here's Rufus. Blake made the mistake of giving him table scraps. Oy vey.
That was our weekend! We came home and slept forever. That was amazing! That Sunday night Blake went to work at 11pm. A week later and I can barely last til 6:30am and then I fall asleep anywhere. This has caused poor Blake to be locked out of the house because I sleep through my phone. Don't worry though- the longest he's been stuck outside is ten minutes and about fifty phonecalls. ;)