I have been working out about every other day and am very happy with the results so far. I'm doing the 30 Day Shred workout by Jillian Michaels. She is an odd duck but her workouts are AMAZING! If Blake is home when I want to workout I lock him in our bedroom and make him wear headphones while I grunt and groan through my workouts. We went to the store the other day and McBlakerson wanted a big package of those Little Debbie cupcakes. Oy, delicious! So I told him he could get them as long as he hid them from me. So when we got home I stood outside while he hid them. He told me that if he found any missing I would have to run three laps around the apartment complex per cupcake. Our relationship is weird.
We saw Harry Potter the other day. Both of us were completely entranced! I must say it was definitely one of the best movies they've done! Although #5 with Umbridge having Filch as her lackey cracks me up every time!
Blake is changing his work schedule coming up next week. He's going to be on the night shift 12-8am. It'll be interesting for us to transition. I'll be so glad when his training is done with and he can settle down and not have these crazy schedules. He is pretty dang amazing though. He does all this stressful stuff but never shows just how difficult it must be-he just keeps being his sweet self. I admit I'm a little Blakie-whipped haha.
So I've been getting my hair bleached. I think I blew Braydon's mind when I sent him a picture of my latest hair color. Perhaps he feels threatened not being the only blonde sibling anymore... Anyways, I've still got a bit more to go but this is where I am. Excuse the weird facial expression.

Blake has been so sweet to come with me to my hair appointments. We were there last time and I was sent to the back to sit under a dryer. I texted Blake to come back and keep me company. Waited. No Blake. I finally asked why he wasn't with me and he said he was scared to walk through all the salon people to try and find me. Haha, what a cutie. He got over his fear though when I mentioned perhaps we should get a pizza after my hair appointment.
So that's pretty much it. Hopefully after this weekend there will be some interesting stuff to share. I'm just hoping that since I posted a blog I might get some babie pictures in my email shortly... *hint hint* =D