Yesterday was a good day for packages and myself! There were three packages waiting for me in the office yesterday... three huge packages actually! Thankfully I had my hunky hubby to help me heft them back to the apartment. I loved all of my packages equally, but one tall drink of water stood out among the three...

My 14 yards of fantasmic chevron! Yeehaw! I rolled out the fabric onto the table and considered making a tablecloth I just loved it so much! I seriously could wallpaper the house with this fabric I just adore it so much. Cutting into it was like cutting into my own flesh as I embarked on one of my most careful sewing projects I have ever done.

After trying multiple centerpieces I eventually settled on my empty (for now) apothecary jars (which were the other two packages). Yes, I have gladly jumped on the apothecary jar bandwagon and am very happy. =)
I also got three little ones for the bathroom. After we bought a new grown-up clock I decided that the bathroom needed some TLC because I needed some more projects (yes, that sentence makes sense!)! This new apothecary jar decor replacing my 1$ goodwill vase is the first change I have made and I'm practically peeing my pants with excitement over the next change.

I realize that we have lived in this lovely little apartment for only 5 months now and I am already wanting to change most of the decor. If only the Christmas season would start up then I could put up my Christmas tree and be content for a few months! Hmmm... we will be spending this upcoming Christmas moving again, so perhaps Blake would give me permission to put it up very, verrrry early.
Other than changing around the apartment things have been pretty quiet around here. I am flying to S Utah in 11 days to visit, woot woot! When Blake realized that I would be leaving in 11 days for almost three weeks he stuck out his bottom lip and I thought to myself, "How sweet, he's gonna miss me!" And then, as quickly as the lip came out, it pulled itself into a huge grin and he said, "I'm gonna get to play video games all night!" Oh dear. It will be interesting to see what I get to come home to as Tornado Blake will not have Stormchaser Jocelyn to clean up after him.