Sometimes I wonder if I am the only person on God's green earth who loves to read informative articals. I find myself saying, "I read bla bla bla" quite a bit while the other person kind of raises their eyebrow and says something like, "Really..." If there is a profession that requires a person to read articals on the computer all day and regurgitate useless facts, I would be on it like flies on a pile of fresh horse crap- or something. Anyways, I guess sitting on my bunz reading articals is better than sucking on a hot rock. **Original Dad Gubz phrase**
I long for the summer months of freedom and warm weather all the live long day. Because I wake up every morning to the **censored** beeping of my alarm clock and getting out of bed is even worse because it has been cold and dark every morning! It's the first of October and I have been reminded that people up north have been walking on frost for the past month, but that's THEIR fault if they don't like it. I live in southern utah, it's not supposed to be this cold until December! *sigh* I guess until global warming I will have to get up in the AM with my jowls flapping as I shiver and my knees knock.
So, anyways, the football game Friday was pretty banging. I don't think our team has even been behind in score any home game this season. Usually our team plows over the opposition and leaves their heads spinning and their voices cracking, but last Friday we were going against a school who was also undefeated 6-0. I thought we might lose.... but we didn't. Yay. It was great hanging out with friends and fretting about the close scores with them.
Ewww. I just looked at the calandar and next weekend is the Gubler reunion. But maybe things aren't so bad cuz I just found out that I am marching in a parade that Saturday so I may be exempted and get to stay home alone that night. Pray fervently for me.
Anyways, today I was working on my apron and I was ironing and I set the iron down on my left pointer finger, and last week I jabbed my thumb with a needle in that same class and drew blood, so I am going to see if I can fix my owie by eating some junk food or something equally delightful.