Saturday, May 28, 2005

I have a mind like a steel trap; it is rusty and illegal in 47 states

Holy crap. Terryn (my eight-year-old nephew) is a strange-un. For dinner we had KFC and all he wanted was chicken.... but did he eat the chicken???! No. He picked off the skin and meat and ate the bones! Gag me with a spoon. Bla.
Anyways, I am into summer 2 freakin' days and am already bored out of my skull! Grah. Thank goodness for friends who will pick you out of the miserable boredness you are currently wallowing in and try to brush some sanity back onto you. It doesn't always work though. Next week I'm going to California for a few days, so that will ease some of the burden off my weary shoulders. I hope I don't get sunburned again. After going to Sand Hollow on Tuesday I am still picking off bits of skin from my nose and between my eyes (yes, gross) and still trying vainly to restore my normal paleness.
I'm also tasting the bittersweetness of growing up. I'm going to be a junior next year, only one year away from being a senior. I loved being a freshman (believe it or not) and seriously loved being a sophmore.... change is a hard pill to swallow. It makes one wonder what they (meaning me) am going to do when they get out of high school. I want to be a physical therapist..... but I also don't. I don't want to be anything but a high school student mooching off their parentals because I know I can pull that off.
But, these summer months have caused me to develope a strong movie-watching skill. I discovered that I can go to the library and check out movies. That is a wonderful thing. I have grown fond of the old movies. My favorite being Pride and Prejudice with Sir. Laurence Olivier (he was cute! too bad he's dead). Robin saw that I had watched it and promply dug out her version of Pride and Prejudice from her moving pile. Its...six movies long. Wow. I haven't seen such a group since V.
Anyways, I was chatting with Kyle J-- but the little turd seems to have left the area. So I'll leave and exercise my skill (movie watching) with Finding Neverland. Always remember: Humpty-Dumpty was pushed!

Some Last-day-of-school pic. (more posted later)

Newly crowned juniors
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The Happy Camper Creepy Guy
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Malissa looking snazzy(with wraith-like creature)
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Me before I was fried
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Jeff not knowing he has a stain on his shirt
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Scott (Malissa's newest project) looking forward to his picture being taken
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Melissa posing
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Forgive the HUGE pictures.... that's my camera.... maybe I will fix them later.... not now.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I'm insured by the mafia. You hit me--- we'll hit you.

Yayayay!!! I have passed my driving test. I know it wasn't supposed to be anything too deathly hard, but, being me, I was worried. So, tomorrow me and Dad are going to the DMV and getting my freakin' license!!! Gaaaaa!!!! It's nice to know that I don't have any more sessions of driving with Adamson to look forward to. Look out world. Heheh. No, seriously, look out.

I'm so frickin' NOT pissed!
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